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Closed May 14, 2022 100% complete

This release includes major revisions to the UI. There is no longer a Test menu. Rather, all test execution is performed through the toolbar or the context menu. The toolbar now contains buttons for running all or selected tests, repeating the last run and running only failed tests.

Note: The selected (highlighted) test item in the tree is now referred to…

This release includes major revisions to the UI. There is no longer a Test menu. Rather, all test execution is performed through the toolbar or the context menu. The toolbar now contains buttons for running all or selected tests, repeating the last run and running only failed tests.

Note: The selected (highlighted) test item in the tree is now referred to as the "Active" item. This is the item for which any detailed information is displayed, as in the properties tab, for example. If Checkboxes are enabled, the checked items are referred to as "Selected" for running. If they are disabled, or if no items are checked, the "Active" item is also considered as "Selected".

Reflecting changes in the TestCentric engine, there are no longer built-in agents for .NET 2.0 and .NET Core 2.1. These will be provided by separately installed extensions. The .NET 2.0 Pluggable Agent extension is already available and used in our tests. The .NET Core 2.1 agent is being developed.

This milestone is closed.

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