This repository is the implementation of ConceptBert: Concept-Aware Representation for Visual Question Answering.
Original paper: François Gardères, Maryam Ziaeefard, Baptiste Abeloos, Freddy Lécué: ConceptBert: Concept-Aware Representation for Visual Question Answering. EMNLP (Findings) 2020: 489-498
For an overview of the pipleline, please refere to the following picture:
This work is dual-licensed under the Thales Digital Solutions Canada
license and MIT License
- The main license is the
Thales Digital Solutions Canada
one. You can find the license file here. - This repository is based on and inspired
by Facebook research (vilbert-multi-task). We sincerely
thank for their sharing of the codes.
The code related to
is licensed by the MIT License, please for more information refer to the file.
- python 3.6.12
- docker environment
If you want to be able to develop on docker, we recommend you to use VSCODE with the container plugin.
- VSCode work with containers
Currently, the project requires a lot of resources to be able to run correctly.
It is necessary to count at least 6 days of training for the first training with a GTX 1080 Ti
(11Go RAM), and 17hours
in an Kubernetes environment with 7GPU (7 Titan-v
(32Go)). All the pipelines were tested on GPU server with
four GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
ℹ️ Notes:
- All information regarding the datasets or models used is specified in the original paper.
- The
original validation file
and thepre-trained model
are available on the kaggle of the project:
Our implementation uses the pretrained features from bottom-up-attention, 100 fixed features per image and the GloVe vectors. The data might be saved in a folder along with pretrained_models and organized as shown below:
├── data2
│ ├── coco (visual features)
│ ├── conceptnet (conceptnet facts)
│ ├── conceptual_captions (captions for each image, extracted from (
│ ├── kilbert_base_model (pre-trained weights for initial conceptBert model)
│ ├── OK-VQA (OK-VQA dataset)
│ ├── save_final (final saved models and outputs)
│ ├── tensorboards (location to save tensorboard files)
│ ├── VQA (VQA dataset)
│ ├── VQA_bert_base_6layer_6conect-pretrained (pre-trained weights for initial vilbert model trained on vqa)
The model checkpoints will be saved in the output : ./outputs/
You can choose to run ConceptBert with Docker or from your environment
docker build -t conceptbert .
docker run -it -v /path/to/you/nas/:/nas-data/ conceptbert:latest bash
docker run -it -v --shm-size=10g -e CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1,2,3 -v /path/to/you/nas/:/nas-data/ conceptbert:latest bash
is used to prevent Shared Memory error. Here the value is 10Go (refer docker documentation)-e CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES
is used to use specific GPU available. Here we want to use 4 GPU.
When the container is up, go to the section 1. Train with VQA
You can use the requirements.txt
file to install the dependencies of the project.
- Compile the tools
cd conceptBert/tools/refer && make
- python 3.6.x
If you have difficulties to create your environment, look at the contents of the Dockerfile for the necessary dependencies that you might miss.
Note: models and json used in the following examples are the current best results
First we use VQA dataset to train a baseline model. Use the following command:
python3 -u --model_version 3 --bert_model=bert-base-uncased --from_pretrained_conceptBert None \
--from_pretrained=/nas-data/vilbert/data2/kilbert_base_model/pytorch_model_9.bin \
--config_file config/bert_base_6layer_6conect.json \
--output_dir=/nas-data/outputs/train1_vqa_trained_model/ \
--summary_writer /nas-data/tensorboards/ \
--num_workers 16 \
--tasks 0
Parameter | Description |
u | -u is used to force stdin, stdout and stderr to be totally unbuffered, which otherwise is line buffered on the terminal |
model_version | Which version of the model you want to use |
bert_model | Bert pre-trained model selected in the list: bert-base-uncased, bert-large-uncased, bert-base-cased, bert-base-multilingual, bert-base-chinese. |
from_pretrained_conceptBert | folder of the previous trained model. In this case, it's the first train, so the value isNone |
from_pretrained | pre-trained Bert model (VQA) |
config_file | 3 config files are available in conceptBert/config/ |
output_dir | folder where the results are saved |
summary_writer | folder used to save tensorboard items. A sub-folder will be created with the date of the day |
num_worker | Tells the data loader instance how many sub-processes to use for data loading. **Use your own value in |
regard of your environment** | |
task | task = 0, we use VQA dataset |
Then we use OK-VQA dataset and the trained model from step 1 to train a model. Use the following command:
python3 -u --model_version 3 --bert_model=bert-base-uncased \
--from_pretrained=/nas-data/vilbert/data2/save_final/VQA_bert_base_6layer_6conect-beta_vilbert_vqa/pytorch_model_11.bin \
--from_pretrained_conceptBert /nas-data/outputs/train1_vqa_trained_model/VQA_bert_base_6layer_6conect/pytorch_model_19.bin \
--config_file config/bert_base_6layer_6conect.json \
--output_dir=/nas-data/outputs/train2_okvqa_trained_model/ \
--summary_writer /outputs/tensorboards/ \
--num_workers 16 \
--tasks 42
The parameters are the same as above, but these values change:
Parameter | Description |
from_pretrained_conceptBert | The path of the model trained previously (step1 VQA). Corresponding of the last pytorch_model_**.bin file generated |
from_pretrained | pre-trained Bert model (OK-VQA) |
task | task = 42 OKVQA dataset is used |
To validate on held out validation split, we use the model trained in step 2 using following command: VQA_bert_base_6layer_6conect
python3 -u --model_version 3 --bert_model=bert-base-uncased \
--from_pretrained=/nas-data/vilbert/data2/save_final/VQA_bert_base_6layer_6conect-beta_vilbert_vqa/pytorch_model_11.bin \
--from_pretrained_conceptBert=/nas-data/outputs/train2_okvqa_trained_model/OK-VQA_bert_base_6layer_6conect/pytorch_model_99.bin \
--config_file config/bert_base_6layer_6conect.json \
--output_dir=/nas-data/outputs/validation_okvqa_trained_model/ \
--num_workers 16 \
--tasks 42 \
--split val
Two files will be generated:
give 8 top answers for each questionsval_result
used in the evaluation
The parameters are the same as above, but theses values change:
Parameter | Description |
from_pretrained_conceptBert | The path of the model trained previously (step2 OKVQA). Corresponding of the last pytorch_model_**.bin file generated |
from_pretrained | same pre-trained Bert model (OK-VQA) as step2 |
task | task = 42 OKVQA is used |
Run the evaluation :
python3 PythonEvaluationTools/ \
--json_dir /nas-data/outputs/validation_okvqa_trained_model/ \
--output_dir /nas-data/outputs/validation_okvqa_trained_model/
: path where is located theval_result.json
: folder where the accuracy will be saved/nas-data/outputs/validation_okvqa_trained_model/
: is the final json. You must change this by the path of the json you want to evaluate.
- If
return"python-prctl" Command "python egg_info" failed with error
error, use this command :
sudo apt-get install libcap-dev python3-dev
- 20 checkpoints must have been created (
last file name must be pytorch_model_19.bin
- 100 checkpoints must have been created (
last file name must be pytorch_model_99.bin
- The validation generates two json file.
will be used in the evaluation. - Open the logs in the output folder (
) to check the result of theeval_score
08/12/2020 13:09:46 - INFO - utils - Validation [OK-VQA]: loss 3.681 score 33.040
If you want to optimize your model the loss
and score
must be at least be the same as above.
Compare your results in the accuracy.json
file (results must be at least as good as the following ones).
"overall": 33.04,
"perQuestionType": {
"one": 30.82,
"eight": 33.6,
"other": 32.57,
"seven": 30.61,
"four": 36.79,
"five": 33.66,
"three": 31.73,
"nine": 31.43,
"ten": 45.58,
"two": 30.23,
"six": 30.07
"perAnswerType": {
"other": 33.04
Try the following recommendation to resolve the problem:
- Change the value of
in your training command (ex.--num_workers 1
) - Try one of the improvements proposition bellow
- Reduce parameters in
:- max_seq_length
- batch_size
- eval_batch_size
max_seq_length: 4 # DGX value : 16
batch_size: 256 # DGX value : 1024
eval_batch_size: 256 # DGX value : 1024
There are several areas for improvement:
- Search and replace the
parameter in the code to be executed in the better position - Load a part of the dataset (create a method to load a batch of the dataset). Dataset management is in
, method_load_dataset
, variablesquestions = questions_train + questions_val[:-3000]
andanswers = answers_train + answers_val[:-3000]
- Train your own BERT (or find a lighter Bert)
- Initialise Bert once and load it after