Personal project that interfaces between the CAN bus on a 2010 Honda Accord and a microcontroller to a seven-segment display in order to display what gear number the car is currently in.
- Designed the hardware and firmware for the project from scratch.
- Reverse engineered values from the vehicle’s transmission controller.
- Gained knowledge about lower level CAN protocols and how the network performs in different applications.
- Created a mock CAN network with three nodes: my custom hardware, a dashboard taken from a vehicle, and a vehicle network adapter. Messages were transmitted via the adapter to simulate the transmission controller. The transmitted messages were read by both the custom hardware and the dashboard for easy prototyping.
- ValueCAN 4-1 (Vehicle Network Adapter)
- MCP2551 (CAN Transceiver)
- ESP32-WROOM-32 (Microcontroller with integrated CAN Controller)
- Mock dashboard
- Seven-segment display
- Vehicle Spy 3
- C with FreeRTOS