Download/clone this repo, open a terminal in the folder and run:
npm install
Then, use truffle to deploy and call contracts through a truffle console.
Option 1. If you are running your local node connect to it like this:
npm run console --network development
or try
truffle console --network development
Option 2. You can use Infura nodes:
- Ensure you provide private key for truffle to sign your transactions. Create
file with the key of the account to use. Use.env.template
as a template. - Then use
network. E.g.truffle console --network kovan
Setup your token parameters (name, symbol and decimals) in Controller.sol, your decimals and totalSupply in migrations/2_deploy_contracts.js. Then, in the truffle console you have open, run migrate
you should see something like
Deploying Controller...
... 0xasdsadasdadaa6250f9f1a30a9fbb24068efd68b5656565656b65a4ec
Controller: 0xbadadsaasdaasde99a3bb44eaea4c11835454538c
... 0x0asdadssadasc0a6aa64f23d6888d46645454545456adc9d4a0c3bb12a49d
When its done, it will still be blinking in the console, click the up arrow to get back to truffle console You will now have the token contract address next to Proxy: in the console and the controller address next to Controller:
Make a note of both these addresses.
If you want to create a transaction with your token, you have to use a Controller facade on top of the Proxy contract, put the token contract address between the quotes:
var ctrl ="proxy.address")
Then, you can use any of the token functions, like minting, put the address between the quotes:"holder address", amount)
to mint tokens be aware of the decimals. For example if you gonna mint 3 tokens. You would write 310**decimals or 310**18 if your token got 18 decimals.