Explanation of repository.
- This repo holds the two excel spreadsheets from which a technoeconomic model of a HBES has been designed. A third spreadsheet of key results has been appended.
- The version is 6, which is the final system configuration, incorporating both the technical and economic models designed into the 'modeller_v6.2_2002-2015' file. The 'base_sheet_v6_2002-2015' file contains the originally estimated production values from renewable energy systems from raw data, in addition to the typical households thermal load based out of the ambient temperature raw dataset. The 'results.xlsx' file presents the key results from the manual optimisation process carried out using the 'modeller_v6.2_2002-2015' file.
To manipulate the base estimates of thermal load data streams or renewable energy output data streams enter the 'base_sheet_v6_2002-2015' file and alter the parameters setup in each of the sheets; the newly obtained thermal load patterns or energy generation patterns must be copied into the 'modeller_v6.2_2002-2015' file if further HBES optimisation is wished for.
Modeller contains the majority of the technical and economic fundamantal parameters, as well as the modifiable parameters.
To test systems: alter modifiable parameters within the modeller file. Output parameters can be referred to during the manual optimisation process.
These excel files contain data at and hourly resolution over mutliple years; which makes the running of these files slow at best for datasets breaking 5 years. They can be run fine through Excel on MAC or Windows to my knowledge.
- Thomas Dodd
- [email protected]