Given two points composed of latitude and longitude, this library will find the distance between them in kilometers.
Additionally, you can supply one point of latitude and longitude and a distance in kilometers, it will provide boundary latitude and longitude.
To install, add the following to your project :dependencies
[haversine "0.1.1"]
Find the distance (in km) between two points of latitude and longitude
(haversine/haversine {:latitude 30 :longitude -80} {:latitude 32 :longitude -110})
=> 2859.7117596927574
Find a range of latitude and longitude for a distance around a point of latitude and longitude.
(haversine/neighborhood {:latitude 44 :longitude 100 :distance-from 80})
=> {:maxlatitude 44.72072072072072
:minlatitude 43.27927927927928
:maxlongitude 101.00605611299432
:minlongitude 98.99394388700568}
See ./docs/haversine.html
Copyright © 2014 Thomas Meier
Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.