This repository contains the code for my small and personal home automation project.
It contains the following subprojets with details in the linked READMEs:
: main folder with the code of the server that handles the smart-home project -
: an ESP8266 handling watering of my plants -
: code for the small server that handles my version of the Everyday Calendar -
: code for an Elias Crespin inspired motorized suspended decoration -
: code for the ESP8266 that handles the dimming of an 230V LED bulb from IKEA based on a Robodyn Dimmer
Code should be YAPF'ified and isort'ed. A pre-commit hook should be installed to ensure it, using :
find .git/hooks -type l -exec rm {} \;
find .githooks -type f -exec ln -sf ../../{} .git/hooks/ \;