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Thomas Leathers edited this page Oct 26, 2018 · 1 revision


Q: How do i change the settings?

You need a cnf.dat file. See cnf.example in the usr folder.

Q: Whats gopherspace?

Gopherspace, or 'gopher' as its also called, is an old protocol for showing interlinked menus to the user, and serving files. I won't go into detail here.

Q: Why do the menus all look identical aside from the actual text?

Because. The text is just about the only thing that HAS formatting the servers can control. literally everything else is client-specific. That said, this means every gopher client has its own personality. Zoxenpher's is very 90s-esq, and is very blue, grey, and white. With touches of black and green and a few other colors here and there.

Q: Why does zoxenpher look like its from the 90s?

Because. :)

Q: Why a virtual window manager?

It gets around pygame's one-window limit in a way. Its also inspired partly by MS-DOS multi-window GUI and TUI applications.