- Collect images of icerings
- Annotating the places of icerings in images
- From step 1 and 2, we can generate two kinds of files:
- Images containing icerings
- Annotation files showing where their are
- Build an architecture to train a model to detect icerings in images based on Faster R-CNN
- Train, test and evaluate the model
- Apply the model to detect icerings in broader range of images
- Exact the information of icerings from the images
- Analyze the information of icerings
- Image Sources: 'MODIS/061/MOD09A1' on Google Earth Engine
- Sample Information: in "archive.csv" file
- Executive Code Generator: in "data_process.ipynb" file, function "gee_code_generator"
- Use gee_code_generator to generate the code to collect images from Google Earth Engine
- At the meantime, use tools in Google Earth Engine to annotate the places of icerings in images
- Download the images
- Copy and convert the annotation we drew in GEE to the format of Faster R-CNN(xml format), using the function "text_to_xml" in "data_process.ipynb" file