#WindBot Chat WindBot Chat is powered by socket.io for the real-time engine, Redis for the messages store and React for the web page view.
- Node.js or io.js installed
- A working MySQL Server
- A working Redis Server
##Init the Test DB Create a forum_db database in your MySQL server and then import the backup database included in the root of this project.
mysql -u root -p[root_password] forum_db < forum_db.sql
This database will come with a few vBulletin test users:
UserId | Username | Password | Usergroup | NumPosts |
1 | Admin | admin | Admin | 1 |
2 | Moderator | mod | Moderator | 0 |
3 | User1 | user1 | Registered | 300 |
4 | User2 | user2 | Registered | 200 |
If you need to login with any of those users just access: http://localhost:3001/login
##Setup You are gonna need gulp to build the React front-end. I also recommend using nodemon to automatically restart whenever you make changes to the back-end.
npm install -g gulp nodemon
After setting up everything and initializing the database you must install the project dependencies:
npm install
##Start Server You can start the Socket.io server by starting up 'bin/www'
nodemon ./bin/www
Then you can open up it in your browser:
##Start React Building System You can start the React building system by starting up gulp.
The compiled content goes to the 'build' folder.