ADD @SteBuTOS pull-request :
- added TCP/IP address button, with link to QR-Code
- added shutdown button
- added reboot button
settings-screen: - added icons to existing buttons Z-Axis and Projecor
z-axis-screen: - fixed bottons home, mesure and calibrate as there was a mismatch between screen-definition and java-script
plates-screen: - added botton "add Plate"
- fixed plate-list entries click-behviour to prevent empty-slots to stall plate-screen and UI-become inresponsive
addplate-screen: - added new screen to allow selection of profile, disk-drive and supported files become selected and create new plate
plate-screen - added botton to delete plate
- added icon to existing button print
- changed placing/ alignment of long-textfields to prevent line breaks/ cut offs
commit-scree - added icons to existing buttons yes/ no
- passthrough of 3 additional opton-items (data0, data1, data2) to forward context information from caller to returnPage
config.json - added tree-node plugins.plates to enable configuration of file-list handling in add-plates screen
- fileExt: "stl|slc|svg|zp" -> list of valid filename-extensions to prevent upload of invalid file-types for "add plate" function
- showAll: "false" -> false (default) only files with fileExt extension are listed | true: all files are listed (mainly for testing and demos)
- autoFetch: "true -> only relevant if showAll==="false" -> when screen addplate is initialized, the script fetches through all availble drives and selects the first that contains at least one file of the type fileExt
package.json - added neccessary dependencies IP, DRIVELIST, CHILD_PROCESS
ADD @robpower pull-request :
- Added Password protection support.