Inspired by theprimagen/harpoon
If you're implementing a feature you are editing a small amount of files. With harpoon-minimal you can save these files and navigate via shortcut to them.
The plugin provides a Toolwindow:
In this window you can see the files that were saved. You can also add the currently opened file. If you select a row in the table(right-click), you can change the sorting of the row or delete the file from harpoon. Delete only means that the harpoon-marker of the file is deleted not the file itself.
First Keystroke: Ctrl + h
Second Keystroke: o
- In the toolwindow
- via shortcut
First Keystroke: Ctrl + h
Second Keystroke: a
Right-click on a file in the harpoon toolwindow or via Shortcut:
First Keystroke: Ctrl + h
Second Keystroke: <Index of the file> (1-5)
e.g. this navigates to file 3
First Keystroke: Ctrl + h
Second Keystroke: 3
- Reacting on changes on the files (e.g. rename or deletion of a file)