Releases: Tomato6966/Multipurpose-discord-bot
10.2.1 Minor Improvements & Fixes
Created a new Branch
... there will soon be a shardable version of this bot which uses the MONGODB database instead of ENMAP usingquickmongo
for better support and a status dashboard and cluster system etc. -
Fixxed a few bugs in mute command, updated serverinfo github translate and developer and changed some functions in /handlers/functions.js
Now changed from 25 Limitations to: 100 Limitations for:
- Ticke System
- Menu Ticket
- Menu Apply
- Application System
- Jointocreate System
- Roster System
- etc.
Changed the starting console logs, so that it looks more "fluent"
Changed some sync-blocking tasks to async-nonblocking to improve speed.
Improved speed of almost every system which got listed above^^
A few fixes for the improved version of the apply, menuapply, ticket and menuticket system!
V13 + Many new Features and security stuff!