npm i @toscale/json-validator
const schema = [
name: "test", // required, name field
type: "string", // required, supported types: boolean, string, number, object, array
required: true, // optional, is required variable
default: "a", // optional, default value
validations: {
// rules for validation
in: ["a", "b", "qwe"],
equal: "a",
regexp: "/*",
moreThan: 0,
moreThanOrEqual: 1,
lessThan: 3,
lessThanOrEqual: 2
name: "testArray",
type: "array",
items: {
type: "number",
validations: {
moreThan: 5,
validations: {
moreThan: 2 // length of array should be more than 2
name: "testObject",
type: "object",
required: true,
default: {},
children: [
name: "rate",
type: "number",
default: 0,
meta: {
title: "It is title",
description: ""
oneOf: [
name: "oneOfTestA",
type: "number",
validations: {}
name: "oneOfTestB",
test: "boolean"
const {JsonValidator} = require("json-validator");
const options = {
abortEarly: false,
convert: true,
allowUnknown: true
const validator = new JsonValidator(options);
.validate([{ test: "qwe" }, { maxRate: { rate: 1 } }], schema)
.then(result => {
// print
result: ..., // result validation,
isError: false,
errors: [ //list of error
type: "...",
message: "...",
property: "...",
path: "..."
const {utils} = require("json-validator");
class NameValidationError extends utils.BaseValidationError {
constructor(message, key, path) {
super(message, key, path);
validator.addValidationRule("nameValidator", function(key, value, options, path) {
// if value is valid return value
// else throw Error
if (value) {
return value;
} else {
throw new NameValidationError("Validation message", key, path);