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This custom control can be used as a replacement for UITextField. When an user taps on it, a placeholder rises smoothly. It comes with 5 different text types: simple, password, url, tappable, date.


UIAnimatedTextField is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the pod 'UIAnimatedTextField' and the source for podspecs to your Podfile. For example:

source ""

platform :ios, '9.0'

target "ProjectName" do
    pod 'UIAnimatedTextField', '0.1.7'


Set height of UIView to 50 (optionally, to make UIAnimatedTextField look pretty). Create IBOutlet:

@IBOutlet weak var textField: UIAnimatedTextField!

In order to enable placeholder, set placeholder property:

textField.placeholder = "Enter something"

Simple type

By default you use simple type. It is just a text field.

Password type

In order to use UIAnimatedTextField for password input, specify its type as .password

textField.type = .password

Date type

In order to use UIAnimatedTextField for date input, specify its type as .date

textField.type = .date

Also you can set date format and done button title:

// "Done" by default
textField.doneTitle = "Ok"
// "dd/MM/YYYY" by default
textField.dateFormat = "dd MMMM YYYY"

Tappable type

In order to choose somewhere something that will be displayed in text field, specify type as .tappable and designate an action, for example:

textField.type = .tappable(action: {textField in textField.text = "Selected thing" })

Tap on the field, do an action, display a result in text field.



You can change color of placeholder, entered text, line like this:

textField.placeholderTopColor = .blue
textField.placeholderBottomColor = .brown

textField.enteredTextColor = .orange

textField.lineColor = .green


Text Alignment

In order to change text alignment of placeholder and text field use this property:

textField.isLeftTextAlignment = true



Copyright (c) 2016 Touch Instinct

UIAnimatedTextField is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.