Releases: TristanAlbers/flinteditor-mps
Release v0.6.2-3
Release v0.6.2-2
Changes in this Release
725bb14 Excluded osx build from win
Release v0.6.2
Changes in this Release
d459375 Added commandline copy/unzip/untar instead of gradle API
587d9e0 Merge pull request discipl#136 from discipl/context-actions
bc7a500 Merge branch 'master' into context-actions
14a4d0f Merge pull request discipl#139 from discipl/resolvemps-bug
7c248b2 Merge pull request discipl#149 from discipl/bug-fixes
3c02328 Merge pull request discipl#145 from discipl/docs-update
fabf0d4 Lawsource mpl merge
c23387f Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into context-actions
bbd7309 Changed enumeration to node to be compatible with new Lawsource, updated test
e6416e1 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into resolvemps-bug
f4d3274 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into bug-fixes
58c4ad8 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into docs-update
e3cadb1 Refactored Parser (discipl#150)
893b47b Added more ResolveableActionMaps to Literal and List expressions
de21641 Implemented feedback
16f0b56 Updated deps
e78a075 Updated dependencies
f090152 Fixes discipl#122, FLintModelRunner and Language now have icons
e9147a8 Fixes 140, redirectURLForWettenNl now returns full URL instead of only the path
10dc656 Fixes discipl#142, added case for IHasLanguage without name property
9fe0f63 Fixes discipl#141
9ff3ec2 discipl#144, also added error text to empty obligatory roles
313b27a Added working model for FlintRunner
bd021c1 Updated docs
a7c760a Added deps to buildscript Flint
8ffbbb0 Updated dependencies
1b3e67c Added runtime dep back into buildfile Flint
9438fc4 Flipped if-statement gradle build, folded FlintTest, Added example properties file
33829fe Merged OSS branch, extracted into buildScript
26fb8fc Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/oss-authentication' into enumeration-to-node
bb3f0ba Added tests
518c5ec Extracted new compile dependencies in buildscript
7b55770 Added authentication for oss audit
88f7d56 Dependencies version updates
eb023c4 Noderange selection can now be added to sources of existing node
a76148a Creating new node with all lines from enumeration
e6887a2 deleted .mps dictonary file
f59f3a8 Merged into master
82e47dc Added all possible intentions to context action menu
86073f7 Merge pull request discipl#135 from discipl/version-bump
464e448 version bump
be89717 Merge pull request discipl#134 from discipl/modelchecker-errors
e40cdfc Merge pull request discipl#133 from discipl/enforce-import
149c402 Merge pull request discipl#132 from discipl/flatten-bug
cadf591 Merge pull request discipl#131 from discipl/source-coverage
95c1123 escaped percentage with percentage
e399f0d Merge pull request discipl#121 from discipl/model-version-docs
256c69b Transfered logic in editor to new classes, and filtering to for loop
5555ffc Migrated expressions and tags to context actions
df6f2a5 Fixed uniquelynamed, fixed tests, changed factreferences to 0..1 in act
10c2528 Shifted obligatory role error from automatic MPS check to typesystem check
ef53d28 Archive node usage in older node versions doesn't throw error. Fixes 3
b089c2e Fixed enforce import, added extra language node tests
084c22e Fixed flatten intention in root resolveable, added case to tests
e7d2a23 Added migrations, fixed tests
2f9853a Optimizations, percentage per article, referenced flintnodes for line in inspector
e50ab6b FlintView refactored and updated with async properties
f2c006e FlintView optimizations
761a7d9 Windows test
be9b2d3 Updated hyperlinks at the start
cf09c84 Added docs
1c5b0b1 Merge pull request discipl#117 from discipl/update-version
2d46f1f Version bump
d7d635a Merge pull request discipl#106 from discipl/interpretation-status
ed71373 changed math.abs, added comments
80410df Resolved error, made version read-only
9edfbe4 Merge pull request discipl#115 from discipl/async-parser
1303616 Removed test statement
9998b06 Changed from DEAF to ALWAYS_BACKGROUND
fdec536 Removed excessive casts, reset Test model inside sanbox to master
a6bdbe6 Merge pull request discipl#114 from discipl/icons-bugfix
5a48ea0 Resetted sandbox
a7cb385 Parser call in Task.backgroundable
0762ac0 Master merge
ad28a74 Added javaoptions with copy resources
b02dd5c Merge pull request discipl#109 from discipl/underline-source
91f328f removed sout
8f720c0 Added tests for versions
c0e4b6f Reworked article UI to show selected model, resetted Flint.sandbox
c2651a2 Partially implemented feedback (tests & code performance)
d817fa3 Removed idea runConfigurations
c40dadf Added test to check if underline is applied correctly
8375c34 Underlining feature working incl automatic updates
184dd23 Used lines in user chosen model discoverable
4d6197e Added transient underline to NodeFromArticle intention
22b7e85 Raised JVM XMX value to adjust for higher memory usage in build phase
66b765d Added new words to Language, updated editor, tests, import, export, resources
3f25475 Fixed tests, added migration, adjusted search scope
ca826f0 merge with master
3a78e35 Version/Archive system for Act/Fact/Duty, scope adjusted, warning added for archived nodes
f44dda0 Merge pull request discipl#104 from discipl/automate-adding-libs
c3f6866 Added script to add mps libs to Flint.runtime
210fe6d Implemented source text search (discipl#97)
3f22b7d Bug/new project (discipl#96)
76eb3b7 Version system proposal
a52bc48 Flint model text search (discipl#93)
5260b2d Remove deprecated flint source (discipl#90)
e57e7ff Merge pull request discipl#91 from discipl/fact-from-expression
e2b4877 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into fact-from-expression
0c558b0 Merge pull request discipl#92 from discipl/export-source
ffb466d Fixed lawsource generator test
e2d288f Implemented JSON import and started writing generator test for lawsources
f46c796 Added export json action for versions
82c836b Started work on exporting sources
86192ea Implemented creat fact from expression intention
2e10341 New remove intention, changed createable error to warning (discipl#87)
04da301 Merge pull request discipl#88 from discipl/flintview-icons
291f028 Added icons for LawSource, upgraded Flint icons
3e701d1 Added icons for FlintLanguage
3cb1955 Merge pull request discipl#70 from discipl/flintview-folders
210d464 Can now delete nested folders
f664ec1 Added ability to delete multiple flintview folders simultaneously
e3cb6d3 Merge pull request discipl#67 from discipl/source-translations
44a3054 Initialize tree node if it's not initialized so children can be deleted
f0ad66a Merge with master
97ce944 Merge pull request discipl#69 from discipl/article-intention-bug
3238aba Removed Flint dependency from Lawsource.mpl, reverted buildfile
6ef3d47 Removed unneeded function and VirtualFolder warning
36e8530 Removed unneeded dependencies
6bad0f1 Added delete folder functionality for flintview folders
d290a3a Added intention fix to action menu
99d6e7e Fixed single word intention in Article
8e55862 Added tests, removed debug warnings
897cd91 Migration 'SourceTranslation' added
918ea3c Merge with master
5441300 Updated editors, generators, import and tests
e08a472 Merge pull request discipl#65 from discipl/split-line-bug
76154cf New cell provider, warning for non translated tags
d4f0a60 Fixed split line bug
09e6584 Language bugs (discipl#64)
787593d Merge pull request discipl#63 from discipl/duties
6575b76 Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into duties
ed29c03 Removed test intention and commented code
f77872c Merge pull request discipl#57 from discipl/references-update
5860300 Removed todo
c4d4894 Merged with master
052fef4 Splitted tags and references, added tags translation to language import/export
402e8b1 Fixed test and made language in json import optional
48207ef Merge pull request discipl#58 from discipl/split-line-bug
71d2643 Splitted prefixLines now in correct place, test added
05ecc7c CREATE added automatically, createables and terminateables now in references
2f43d8e Added migration
c076ae2 Merge pull request discipl#56 from discipl/custom-cell-models
19fda80 Merged with master
c089fff reverted ktor change
7e1e12b Fixed failing test
7e11747 Merged with master
3a98680 Added custom cell models to improve editor clarity
54deac0 Merge pull request discipl#45 from discipl/multiple-languages-support
ba03f13 Version Bump, Deleted Eventlistener, Added docs
72afdac Increased timer jsonimport test
11a2123 Merge with master
0078c8f Autofill with tags now correctly fills and updates translatedName
d35bf2c Merge pull request discipl#54 from discipl/tagged-words
b44b062 Added language import and export, Updated tests and FlintView
9d05fa1 Bumped to v0.5.12
995ac0b Added tests that use tagged words
2044386 Fixed Tagging import
d663ed9 Temp
50942e8 Merge with master. Updated TranslatedNames to comply with ActionString change. Merged tests
9e48c82 FactReference custom cell now fully editable and plain style
ec6521a Updated test cases. Editor tab shows correct name
d0bef8d Fixed bug where nodes couldn't be deleted. Querylist changed to custom cell.
ee8d8d6 Merge pull request discipl#53 from discipl/json-export
c351bdd Warning baloon removed, file extension always flint.json, extra dot removed in file extension
f7d9353 Version bump
d42d9f3 Errors added to Event Log, proposel for safe FlintModel names
1adb905 Added JSON export
409814e Merge pull request discipl#52 from bugfixes
604d143 Changed FlintModel editor from querylist to custom cell
5784a0d Fixed ERole bug, updated build.gradle for windows build
746aac7 Started work on improving duties
5c21fe1 Fixed issue with multi-expression brackets
6569be3 Fixed argument name for demo class
b9f3652 Merge pull request discipl#51 from discipl/documentstructures
f0d7dde Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master' into documentstructures
33ce3b8 Merge pull request discipl#50 from discipl/model-selector-refresh
b2d57f4 Implemented requested changes. Removed typo in English language.
36f1cce Merged with master
4e660ff Added some fixes for eur-lex-eng article titles
59a532f Merge branch 'master' into model-sel...