Simple C++ library that handles GPIO calls for BeagleBone Black
- Easy operations on gpio names:
- GPIOConst::getGpioByKey - i.e "P8_10"
- GPIOConst::getGpioByName - i.e "GPIO0_7"
- GPIOConst::getGpioNameByPin - i.e "12"
- GPIOConst::getGpioKeyByPin - i.e "12"
- GPIOConst::isPinAllocatedByDefault - refering to
- Easy operations on gpio sysfs descriptors:
- GPIOManager::exportPin - Export pin (equivalent to i.e echo "68" > /sys/class/gpio/export)
- GPIOManager::unexportPin - Unexport pin (equivalent to i.e echo "68" > /sys/class/gpio/unexport)
- GPIOManager::setDirection - Set direction (equivalent to i.e echo "in" > /sys/class/gpio68/direction)
- GPIOManager::getDirection - Get direction (equivalent to i.e cat /sys/class/gpio68/direction)
- GPIOManager::setValue - Set value (equivalent to i.e echo "1" > /sys/class/gpio68/value)
- GPIOManager::getValue - Get value (equivalent to i.e cat /sys/class/gpio68/value)
- GPIOManager::setEdge - Set edge (equivalent to i.e echo "rising" > /sys/class/gpio68/edge)
- GPIOManager::getEdge - Get edge (equivalent to i.e cat /sys/class/gpio68/edge)
- GPIOManager::waitForEdge - Wait for edge event
- GPIOManager::countExportedPins - Count already exported pins
- GPIOManager::clean - Unexport all of already exported pins
- Export/unexport sanity check
- Table with pins being exported by default