Please visit for the active repo of this project.
clone this repo to a local folder
cd to the new local repo folder and run npm install
to install other dependencies
run npm install -g cordova ionic
to install the Ionic Framework
run ionic serve
to run in browser with watch for debugging
This page is for managing data used by the app. You can export a table of data from the app to a text file, import table data from a text file into the app, or empty (clear) a table. The export/import files are in PouchDB (JSON) format, and examples can be found here: Example Lookup Tables
This page lists all the sites available to the user, paginated 100 sites at a time. You can edit existing sites, or add a new site. Every site must belong to a project.
This page lists every sample the user collects. Each sample page shows the details of that sample, including all the associated sample bottles.