This is a collection of data resources for Uganda Elections
- 2020 Elections Polling Station Data
- District lookup files
- Sub-county lookup files
- Constituency lookup files
- 2021 Elections Results - Presidential Results
- 2021 Elections Results - Nullified Polling Stations
- 2016 Elections Polling Station Data
- 2016 Presidential Election Results
Coming soon
This section contains attributions to assistance in finding, extract and analyse this data from different sources and formats
- AndsJeff for converting the 2021 election results from PDF to Excel
- Herman Musitwa for district, sub-county and constituency lookups for 2016 and 2020 election data
- Samwyri for the 2016 & 2020 polling station voter register summary data and Blanshe Musinguzi for finding the raw data
- Lisa Garbe for the 2011 presidenital results
- Horacio Larreguy, Anders Woller and Jeremy Bowles for the analysis of the 2016 election data with the GPS coordinates for the 2016 elections
- The CSV file is used as the primary source of data with the JSON format being generated using the following commands
csvjson --snifflimit 0 voter_register_summary_2016.csv > voter_register_summary_2016.json
csvjson --snifflimit 0 voter_register_summary_2020.csv > voter_register_summary_2020.json
- The Excel is generated by opening the CSV and saving as Microsoft Excel 94-2004 Workbook (.xls)