ofxAddon that allows you to use ImGui in openFrameworks.
Master branch may not be tested on all platforms. See Releases for more extensively tested versions.
Release versions tested with OF 0.9.x on
- Raspberry Pi 1 and 2
- Mac OS 10.11, Xcode 7
- iOS 9.2 and 8.1.2, Xcode 7
- Linux Desktop
- Windows 10, Visual Studio 2015
Release versions tested with OF 0.10.0 on
- Windows 10, Visual Studio 2017
Versions 1.83 (Current ImGui)
Versions 1.77
Versions 1.62
Versions 1.53
Versions 1.50 and higher use the keyword ofxImGui
as a namespace for all classes in the addon, while previous versions just had a class called ofxImGui
. If you're upgrading from a previous version, make sure to replace all instances of class ofxImGui
with ofxImGui::Gui
Works on Desktop, uses imgui demo windows.
Works on Desktop, uses ofxImGui helper functions for interfacing with ofParameter
iOS specific with keyboard input helper.