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Michael Crow edited this page Jun 20, 2020 · 7 revisions
Property Description Value Type
IsSetUpRun Enable it if you're going to set up spawns and bomb sites bool
FreezeTime Seconds of freeze time at the beginning of each round int
RoundDuration The duration of each game rounds in seconds int
RoundsToWin Needed amount of rounds won by the team to win the game int
MaxRounds Maximum amount of rounds in game, if even draw is possible int
TerroristGroupId Unturned group Id of Terrorists team ulong
CounterTerroristGroupId Unturned group Id of Counter Terrorists team ulong
TerroristColor The color of Terrorist players chat messages string
CounterTerroristColor The color of Counter Terrorist players chat messages string
MaxTeamMembers Maximum amount of members of one team int
MinTeamMembers Minimum amount of members in each team to start the game int
MaxTeamMemebersDifference Maximum difference between team members allowed int
GameStartDelay Seconds countdown before the game starts (after teams are balanced) int
GameWaitingWarnRateSeconds The seconds rate for GameWaitingWarn message being send int
NewRoundStartDelay The seconds delay for a new round to start int
NewGameStartDelay The seconds delay for a new game to start int
RoundsEffectId ID of Rounds Effect UI (Score and Alive) ushort
WinEffectId ID of Win Effect UI (Team and MVP) ushort
BombTime Bomb time seconds before detonating int
BombDamage Bomb damage int
BombDamageRadius Radius of bomb dealing damage int
BombItemId ID of bomb item ushort
BombExplodeEffectId Bomb explosion effect Id ushort
BombExplodeEffectRadius Radius of bomb explode effect float
BombPlantedEffectId ID of bomb has been planted sound effect ushort
BombDefusedEffectId ID of bomb has been defused sound effect ushort
BombBeepEffectId ID of bomb beep sound effect ushort
BombBeepEffectRadius Radius of bomb beep sound effect float
BalanceEffectId ID of Balance Effect UI (Money balance) ushort
BuyMenuEffectId ID of BuyMenu Effect UI (Weapons shop) ushort
MoneyStart Starting money balance int
MoneyLimit Maximum money balance int
MoneyRewardKill Money reward for killing player int
MoneyRewardWin Money reward for winning round int
MoneyRewardLose Money reward for losing round int
MoneyRewardBomb Money reward for planting the bomb int
MoneyRewardDefuse Money reward for defusing the bomb int
KillScore Score points for killing player byte
BombPlantScore Score points for planting the bomb byte
BombDefuseScore Score points for defusing the bomb byte
MVPScore Score points for MVP byte
LeaderboardEffectId ID of Leaderboard Effect UI (players, stats and scores) ushort
GameWinEffectId ID of Game Win Effect UI (Team win, draw or surrender) ushort
RoundTickEffectId ID of tick sound effect (on countdowns) ushort
BonusVIPMoney Bonus money received team members that have VIP in their team int
ChatVIPColor The chat color of VIP players string
MaxGrenadesCount Maximum amount of grenades allowed to have int
WeaponCategories Categories of weapons for buy menu (max x5 + x1 VIP) string[]
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