This is the place to put any data type definitions you are using. These should be confirmed by electrical and computer leads before being added.
To keep things consistent, different data types will be grouped into the different 100's.
- Drive is 20000 - 20099
- Arm is 20100 - 20199
- Science is 20200 - 20299
Before merging with master, ALWAYS test using at least one dsdl compiler.
NOTE: First letter of a message type must be capitalized. As well, only use characters. (a-z etc)
- spear
- general
- 20200.PpmMessage.uavcan
- uint8 channel_num
- int32[<=8] channel_data
- 20200.PpmMessage.uavcan
- general
Make sure python is installed on your system. Run
bash $ libuavcan/libuavcan/dsdl_compiler/libuavcan_dsdlc spear "-O${HOME}/uavcan_vendor_specific_types"
Make sure pyuavcan is installed
/path/to/libanard_dsdlc --outdir libcanard_dsdlc_generated spear/ uavcan_dsdl/uavcan/