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xbcli modules

Vicente Gavara edited this page Apr 22, 2022 · 2 revisions


xbcli modules is a command set for managing XBee module profiles.

A module profile is a set of properties that describe, among others, module features and how it is configured. Some of these properties are:

  • The module hardware type (Series 1, Series 2, ...).
  • The module supported data protocol (802.15.4 or Zigbee).
  • The serial port that connects the xbcli host and the XBee module
  • The module serial interface configuration (baudrate, parity and stop bits).
  • The module serial interface protocol (transparent or API).

xbcli modules commands

xbcli modules add

Adds a module profile.

The profile is stored in a file called xbcli-profiles in the local directory or in the directory set by the env. var $XBCLI_PROFILES_DIR if defined.


xbcli modules add (-i |--id=)PROFILE_ID
	(-s |--serial-port=)SERIAL_PORT
	[(-d |--description=)PROFILE_DESCRIPTION]
	[(-h |--hardware=)HARDWARE_TYPE]
	[(-p |--protocol=)PROTOCOL]
	[(-m |--mode=)OPERATION_MODE]
	[(-b |--baudrate=)BAUD_RATE] [(-a |--parity=)PARITY] [(-o |--stop-bits)=STOP_BITS]

Command arguments

-i, --id

Unique profile id. Required.

-s, --serial

Serial port identifier that connects the xcli host with the XBee module. Required.

-d, --description

Profile verbose description. Optional.

-h, --hardware

Module hardware type, being HARDWARE_TYPE one of these values:

  • x1: XBee Series 1(PRO)
  • x2: XBee Series 2(PRO)
  • x2b: XBee Series 2B(PRO)
  • x2c: XBee Series 2C(PRO)
  • x3: XBee Series 3(PRO)

Optional, default value x3.

-p, --protocol

Data protocol supported by the module, being PROTOCOL one of these values:

  • dot4: Module supports 802.15.4 protocol (not available for Series 2/2B and their PRO variants)
  • zigbee: Module supports Zigbee protocol (not available for Series 1 and its PRO variant)

Optional, default value zigbee (dot4 if HARDWARE_TYPE=x1).

-m, --mode

Serial interface protocol supported by the module, being OPERATION_MODE one of these values:

  • api: Module works in API mode
  • transparent: Module works in transparent mode

Optional, default value api.

NOTE: Only API mode is supported in the current version.

-b, --baudrate

XBee module serial port baudrate, being BAUD_RATE one of these values:

  • 1200
  • 2400
  • 4800
  • 9600
  • 19200
  • 38400
  • 57600
  • 115200
  • 230400 (available on Series 2C and 3 and their PRO variants)
  • 460800 (available on Series 2C Zigbee and Series 3 and their PRO variant)
  • 921600 (available on Series 2C Zigbee and Series 3 and their PRO variant)

Optional, default value 9600.

-a, --parity

XBee module serial port baudrate, being PARITY one of these values:

  • none: No parity
  • even: Even parity
  • odd: Odd parity
  • mark: Mark parity (not available on Series 3 and its PRO variant)

Optional, default value n.

-o, --stop-bits

XBee module serial port baudrate, being STOP_BITS one of these values:

  • 1: 1 stop bit
  • 2: 2 stop bits

Optional, default value 1. Not available on Series 1 and 2C 802.15.4 (and their PRO variants).


The next command creates a profile identified as xbee3ZB for a XBee Seroes 3 ZigBee module connected to the serial port /dev/ttyS0 with a speed of 9600 bauds, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity. Note that most of the above options are set by the default values of the missing arguments, as hardware type, data protocol, baud rate, stop bits and parity.

xbcli modules add -i xbee3ZB -s /dev/ttyS0

The next command creates a profile identified as xbee1 for a XBee Series 1 module connected to the serial port COM1 with a speed of 115200 bauds, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity. Note that long parameter names are used in this example.

xbcli modules add --id=xbee1 --description="My beloved old legacy module" --serial-port=COM1 --hardware=x1 --baudrate=115200

xbcli modules remove

Removes an existing module profile.

The profile must be stored in a file called xbcli-profiles in the local directory or in the directory set by the env. var $XBCLI_PROFILES_DIR if defined.


xbcli modules remove (-i |--id=)PROFILE_ID

Command arguments

-i, --id

Unique profile id. Required.


The next command removes the profile identified as xbee3ZB.

xbcli modules remove -i xbee3ZB

xbcli modules list

Prints in the standard output a list of the existing module profiles stored in a file called xbcli-profiles in the local directory or in the directory set by the env. var $XBCLI_PROFILES_DIR if defined.


xbcli modules list [(-f |--format=)LIST_FORMAT]

Command arguments

-f, --format

Format used for printing the list, being LIST_FORMAT one of these values:

  • human: List printed in human-readable format
  • json: List printed in JSON format

Optional, default value human.


The next command lists the existing profiles in JSON format:

xbcli modules list --format=json