Control & monitor your mac using swift code.
try await"hello", modifiers: .shift)
This package includes a list of functions to control and monitor your mac.
You could
- Explicit (low-level) handle inputs via
. - Implicit (high-level) control via accessibility (
This would move the cursor to the 100px and 100px position to the top left of the screen
Mouse.tap(at: CGPoint(x: 100, y: 100))
This would capture every window of Finder and save it into a desktop folder.
let windows = try
for window in windows.filter({ $ == "Finder" }) {
let image = Screen.capture(window)
try image?.write(to: .desktopDirectory.appending(path: "Captures/\(window.description).png"))
This would move the first window of safari that opens ChatGPT, and moves it to the top left corner.
let windows = try { $ == "Safari" && $!.contains("ChatGPT") }!
try windows.control.move(to: .zero)
This would open on the active Safari tab.
let windows = try { $ == "Safari" })!
// Focus on the window
try windows.control.focus()
let toolbar = try windows.control.children.first(where: { $0.role == "AXToolbar" })!
// Navigate to the textField. You can print the hierarchy using `toolbar.debugDescription`.
let textField = try toolbar[0][0][1][1]
// This could represent the UI by clicking on it. Safari would require a user to tap on it before making any adjustments
try textField.showDefaultUI()
try textField.setValue("")
// This represents the default action by pressing ⏎.
try textField.confirm()
uses Swift Package Manager as its build tool. If you want to import in your own project, it's as simple as adding a dependencies
clause to your Package.swift
dependencies: [
.package(url: "", from: "1.0.0")
and then adding the appropriate module to your target dependencies.
You can add this framework as a dependency to your Xcode project by clicking File -> Swift Packages -> Add Package Dependency. The package is located at:
This package uses DocC for documentation. View on Github Pages