Fair warning: DO NOT try this on a weak computer. It will fuck it up.
I import os so within a while loop, it will spam cmd prompts with text you like. I plan to add input for that later.
I have 1 important varible that protects pc's:
- callOff
callOff is False at the start, but when user is asked for input (y/n), the callOff is determined:
#user input for callOff
userinput = input("CMD Prompt spam will be activated, call it off? (y/n)\nvictim>")
if userinput == "y":
callOff = True
elif userinput == "n":
callOff = False
#ask again
newInput = input("One last chance, call it off? (y/n)\nvictim>")
if newInput == "y":
callOff = True
elif newInput == "n":
callOff = False
print("Your loss bud. ¯\_(!_!)_/¯")
If callOff is false for both inputs, the following will run:
#start new cmd and print the best tik toker of all time
while callOff == False:
run = "start cmd /K echo I love undertime slopper"#edit this to whatever