Shoperz is an online shopping site that allows users to buy high-quality fashion, electronics, home, and kitchen products at the lowest prices. This project is a clone of the popular e-commerce website Meesho.
Visit the live website here and start shopping!
- React.js
- react-icons
- chakra-ui
- redux-toolkit
- axios
- react-router-dom
- express
- MongoDb
- mongoose
- cors
- cloudinary
- compression
- dotenv
- helmet
- jsonwebtoken
- morgan
- multer
- nodemailer
- nodemon
- User authentication and authorization (secured using email otp verification).
- Products divided into categories (Men, Women, Kids, etc.)
- Filter and sort functionality on all products pages.
- Detailed single product page with add to cart, and buy options.
- Search functionality on every page.
- Cart page with options to update quantity and delete items, and total calculation.
- Payment page with captcha for secure checkout.
- Profile section for user details and order history.
- Admin can edit , delete or add products to the platform.
To install and run the project locally, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Install the dependencies:
- open terminal in client folder and write command -
npm install
- open terminal in server folder and write command -
npm install
- open terminal in client folder and write command -
- Add Environment variables
- client
REACT_APP_CLOUDINARY_BASE_PATH - your cloudinary base path
REACT_APP_BASE_URL - your api base url
- server
mongoURL=MongoDB connection string for development environment
port=Port number for the server (default: 8080)
jwtsecret=Secret key for JWT authentication
TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID=Twilio account SID for SMS services
TWILIO_AUTH_TOKEN=Twilio authentication token
TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER=Twilio phone number for sending SMS
cloud_name=Cloudinary cloud name
api_key=Cloudinary API key
api_secret=Cloudinary API secret
hosts=Allowed hosts for CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing)
MAIL=Email address for SMTP mailer
MAIL_PASSCODE=Password for SMTP mailer
- Start the development server:
- client :
npm start
- server :
npm run dev
- client :
Varun Ergurala