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Fix FindCospanCommuter
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lm-rodrigues committed May 14, 2017
1 parent 66e8e57 commit ba83f4b
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Showing 4 changed files with 160 additions and 72 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/library/Graph/Graph.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -385,7 +385,7 @@ removeNode n g@(Graph ns es)
| Prelude.null $ getIncidentEdges g n = Graph (delFromAL ns n) es
| otherwise = g

-- | Removes the given node from the graph, unless it has any incident edges. /O(v + e²)/.
-- | Removes the given node from the graph, even if it has any incident edges.
-- It does not verify if the node has incident edges, thus it may generate invalid graphs.
removeNodeForced :: NodeId -> Graph n e -> Graph n e
removeNodeForced n (Graph ns es) = Graph (delFromAL ns n) es
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184 changes: 114 additions & 70 deletions src/library/TypedGraph/Morphism/FindMorphism.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,58 +19,95 @@ instance FindMorphism (TypedGraphMorphism a b) where
partialInjectiveMatches = partialInjectiveMatches'
findCospanCommuter = findCospanCommuter'

type ExpandedEdge = (EdgeId, NodeId, NodeId)

data CospanBuilderState =
State {
unmappedDomainNodes :: [NodeId]
expandedDomainEdges :: [ExpandedEdge]
, expandedCodomainEdges :: [ExpandedEdge]
, unmappedDomainNodes :: [NodeId]
, unmappedDomainEdges :: [EdgeId]
, availableCodomainNodes :: [NodeId]
, availableCodomainEdges :: [EdgeId]
, nodeRelation :: R.Relation NodeId
, edgeRelation :: R.Relation EdgeId
, finalNodeRelation :: R.Relation NodeId
, finalEdgeRelation :: R.Relation EdgeId
} deriving (Show)

-- | Given two TypedGraphMorphism @f : B -> A@ and @g : C -> A@ it finds a list of Morphisms
-- @hi : B -> C@ shuch that @f . ¬g = hi@ for all @i@.
-- @hi : B -> C@ shuch that @¬g . f = hi@ for all @i@.
findCospanCommuter' :: MorphismType -> TypedGraphMorphism a b -> TypedGraphMorphism a b -> [TypedGraphMorphism a b]
findCospanCommuter' conf morphismF morphismG
| codomain morphismF /= codomain morphismG = []
| otherwise = findCospanCommuterMorphisms conf initialState morphismF morphismG
nodesFromF = nodeIdsFromDomain morphismF
edgesFromF = edgeIdsFromDomain morphismF
nodesFromG = nodeIdsFromDomain morphismG
edgesFromG = edgeIdsFromDomain morphismG
| otherwise =
typedDomainFromF = domain morphismF
untypedDomainFromF = domain typedDomainFromF
mappingFromF = mapping morphismF

nodeRelationF = GM.nodeRelation $ mapping morphismF
edgeRelationF = GM.edgeRelation $ mapping morphismF
nodeRelationInvertedG = R.inverseRelation $ GM.nodeRelation $ mapping morphismG
edgeRelationInvertedG = R.inverseRelation $ GM.edgeRelation $ mapping morphismG
typedDomainFromG = domain morphismG
untypedDomainFromG = domain typedDomainFromG
mappingFromG = mapping morphismG

composedNodeRelation = R.compose nodeRelationF nodeRelationInvertedG
composedEdgeRelation = R.compose edgeRelationF edgeRelationInvertedG
nodesIdsFromF = nodeIds untypedDomainFromF
edgesIdsFromF = edgeIds untypedDomainFromF
nodesIdsFromG = nodeIds untypedDomainFromG
edgesIdsFromG = edgeIds untypedDomainFromG

initialState = State
nodesFromF edgesFromF
nodesFromG edgesFromG
composedNodeRelation composedEdgeRelation
(R.empty nodesFromF nodesFromG) (R.empty edgesFromF edgesFromG)
nodeRelationF = GM.nodeRelation mappingFromF
edgeRelationF = GM.edgeRelation mappingFromF
nodeRelationInvertedG = R.inverseRelation $ GM.nodeRelation mappingFromG
edgeRelationInvertedG = R.inverseRelation $ GM.edgeRelation mappingFromG

composedNodeRelation = R.compose nodeRelationF nodeRelationInvertedG
composedEdgeRelation = R.compose edgeRelationF edgeRelationInvertedG

expandedEdgesFromDomain = map (\e -> (edgeId e, sourceId e, targetId e)) $ edges untypedDomainFromF
expandedEdgesFromCodomain = map (\e -> (edgeId e, sourceId e, targetId e)) $ edges untypedDomainFromG

initialState = State
expandedEdgesFromDomain expandedEdgesFromCodomain
nodesIdsFromF edgesIdsFromF
nodesIdsFromG edgesIdsFromG
composedNodeRelation composedEdgeRelation
(R.empty nodesIdsFromF nodesIdsFromG) (R.empty edgesIdsFromF edgesIdsFromG)

edgesMapped = findCospanCommuterEdgeRelations conf initialState
finalStates = concatMap (findCospanCommuterNodeRelations conf) edgesMapped

buildTGMFromState state = buildTypedGraphMorphism typedDomainFromF typedDomainFromG $
GM.fromGraphsAndRelations untypedDomainFromF untypedDomainFromG
(finalNodeRelation state) (finalEdgeRelation state)

-- | Given a MorphismType and a initial @CospanBuilderState@ with empty final Relations,
-- finds relations @B -> C@ between nodes and edges of @B@ and @C@. (Auxiliary function)
findCospanCommuterMorphisms :: MorphismType -> CospanBuilderState -> TypedGraphMorphism a b -> TypedGraphMorphism a b -> [TypedGraphMorphism a b]
findCospanCommuterMorphisms conf state morphismF morphismG =
let nodesUpdated = findCospanCommuterNodeRelations conf state
edgesUpdated = concatMap (findCospanCommuterEdgeRelations conf) nodesUpdated

typedDomain = domain morphismF
typedCodomain = domain morphismG
untypedDomain = domain typedDomain
untypedCodomain = domain typedCodomain
map (\x -> buildTypedGraphMorphism typedDomain typedCodomain
$ GM.fromGraphsAndRelations untypedDomain untypedCodomain (finalNodeRelation x) (finalEdgeRelation x)) edgesUpdated
map buildTGMFromState finalStates

-- | Given a MorphismType and a initial @CospanBuilderState@ with final Node Relations complete,
-- finds a Relation @B -> C@ between edges of @B@ and @C@. (Auxiliary function)
findCospanCommuterEdgeRelations :: MorphismType -> CospanBuilderState -> [CospanBuilderState]
findCospanCommuterEdgeRelations conf state
| L.null $ unmappedDomainEdges state =
let isoCondition = L.null $ availableCodomainEdges state
epiCondition = L.null . R.orphans $ finalEdgeRelation state
in case conf of
Isomorphism ->
if isoCondition then return state else []

Epimorphism ->
if epiCondition then return state else []

_ -> return state

| otherwise =
let (edgeOnDomain:_) = unmappedDomainEdges state

edgeOnCodomain <- R.apply (edgeRelation state) edgeOnDomain
updatedState <- updateEdgeState conf edgeOnDomain edgeOnCodomain state

findCospanCommuterEdgeRelations conf updatedState

-- | Given a MorphismType and a initial @CospanBuilderState@ with empty final Relations,
-- finds a Relation @B -> C@ between nodes of @B@ and @C@. (Auxiliary function)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -101,16 +138,27 @@ findCospanCommuterNodeRelations conf state
updateNodeState :: MorphismType -> NodeId -> NodeId -> CospanBuilderState -> [CospanBuilderState]
updateNodeState conf nodeOnDomain nodeOnCodomain state =
monoCondition = nodeOnCodomain`elem` availableCodomainNodes state

updatedGenericState = state { unmappedDomainNodes = delete nodeOnDomain $ unmappedDomainNodes state
, finalNodeRelation = R.updateRelation nodeOnDomain nodeOnCodomain (finalNodeRelation state) }

updatedMonoState = updatedGenericState { availableCodomainNodes = delete nodeOnCodomain $ availableCodomainNodes updatedGenericState }
nodeDomainApplied = R.apply (finalNodeRelation state) nodeOnDomain

monoCondition =
nodeOnCodomain `elem` availableCodomainNodes state ||
( not (L.null nodeDomainApplied) &&
head (R.apply (finalNodeRelation state) nodeOnDomain) == nodeOnCodomain)

updatedGenericState =
state { unmappedDomainNodes = delete nodeOnDomain $ unmappedDomainNodes state
, finalNodeRelation =
R.updateRelation nodeOnDomain nodeOnCodomain $ finalNodeRelation state

updatedMonoState =
updatedGenericState { availableCodomainNodes =
delete nodeOnCodomain $ availableCodomainNodes updatedGenericState
case (conf, monoCondition) of
(Monomorphism, False) ->

(Isomorphism, False) ->
Expand All @@ -124,43 +172,38 @@ updateNodeState conf nodeOnDomain nodeOnCodomain state =
_ ->
return updatedGenericState

-- | Given a MorphismType and a initial @CospanBuilderState@ with final Node Relations complete,
-- finds a Relation @B -> C@ between edges of @B@ and @C@. (Auxiliary function)
findCospanCommuterEdgeRelations :: MorphismType -> CospanBuilderState -> [CospanBuilderState]
findCospanCommuterEdgeRelations conf state
| L.null $ unmappedDomainEdges state =
let isoCondition = L.null $ availableCodomainEdges state
epiCondition = L.null . R.orphans $ finalEdgeRelation state
in case conf of
Isomorphism ->
if isoCondition then return state else []

Epimorphism ->
if epiCondition then return state else []

_ -> return state
-- | Verify if a edge of @B@ can be mapped to a node of @C@, if possible, updates the given @CospanBuilderState@. (Auxiliary function)
updateEdgeState :: MorphismType -> EdgeId -> EdgeId -> CospanBuilderState -> [CospanBuilderState]
updateEdgeState conf edgeOnDomain edgeOnCodomain state =
let monoCondition = edgeOnCodomain`elem` availableCodomainEdges state

| otherwise =
let (edgeOnDomain:_) = unmappedDomainEdges state
(_, sourceOnDomain, targetOnDomain) =
fromJust $ lookupExpandedEdge (expandedDomainEdges state) edgeOnDomain

edgeOnCodomain <- R.apply (edgeRelation state) edgeOnDomain
updatedState <- updateEdgeState conf edgeOnDomain edgeOnCodomain state
(_, sourceOnCodomain, targetOnCodomain) =
fromJust $ lookupExpandedEdge (expandedCodomainEdges state) edgeOnCodomain

findCospanCommuterEdgeRelations conf updatedState
lookupExpandedEdge :: [(EdgeId, NodeId, NodeId)] -> EdgeId -> Maybe ExpandedEdge
lookupExpandedEdge [] _ = Nothing
lookupExpandedEdge ((e,s,t):tl) edgeid = if edgeid == e
then Just (e,s,t)
else lookupExpandedEdge tl edgeid

-- | Verify if a edge of @B@ can be mapped to a node of @C@, if possible, updates the given @CospanBuilderState@. (Auxiliary function)
updateEdgeState :: MorphismType -> EdgeId -> EdgeId -> CospanBuilderState -> [CospanBuilderState]
updateEdgeState conf edgeOnDomain edgeOnCodomain state =
monoCondition = edgeOnCodomain`elem` availableCodomainEdges state
sourceNodeUpdate <- updateNodeState conf sourceOnDomain sourceOnCodomain state
targetNodeUpdate <- updateNodeState conf targetOnDomain targetOnCodomain sourceNodeUpdate

updatedGenericState = state { unmappedDomainEdges = delete edgeOnDomain $ unmappedDomainEdges state
, finalEdgeRelation = R.updateRelation edgeOnDomain edgeOnCodomain (finalEdgeRelation state) }
let updatedGenericState =
targetNodeUpdate { unmappedDomainEdges = delete edgeOnDomain $ unmappedDomainEdges state
, finalEdgeRelation =
R.updateRelation edgeOnDomain edgeOnCodomain (finalEdgeRelation state)

updatedMonoState = updatedGenericState { availableCodomainEdges = delete edgeOnCodomain $ availableCodomainEdges updatedGenericState }
updatedMonoState =
updatedGenericState { availableCodomainEdges =
delete edgeOnCodomain $ availableCodomainEdges updatedGenericState

case (conf, monoCondition) of
(Monomorphism, False) ->
Expand All @@ -177,6 +220,7 @@ updateEdgeState conf edgeOnDomain edgeOnCodomain state =
_ ->
return updatedGenericState

-- | Given two lists of TypedGraphMorphism @fi : Ai -> B@ and @gi : Ai -> C@ it induces a Morphism
-- @h : B -> C@ shuch that @h . fi = gi@ for all @i@. The lists must have the same length and must
-- not be empty.
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,6 +39,10 @@ findCospanCommuterTest =
genericTest tgm9 tgm8
genericTest tgm8 tgm9

-- | Tests with loops
genericTest tgm10 tgm11
genericTest tgm11 tgm10

-- | TypedGraphMorphism instances. Digraphs with only nodes

Expand All @@ -57,6 +61,7 @@ tgm4 = TGM.buildTypedGraphMorphism g1 g2 $ GM.buildGraphMorphism g1' g2' [(1,1)]
tgm5 :: TGM a b
tgm5 = TGM.buildTypedGraphMorphism g3 g2 $ GM.buildGraphMorphism g3' g2' [(1,1),(2,2),(3,2)] []

-- | TypedGraphMorphism instances. Digraphs with only nodes

tgm6 :: TGM a b
Expand All @@ -71,6 +76,16 @@ tgm8 = TGM.buildTypedGraphMorphism g5 g5 $ GM.buildGraphMorphism g5' g5' [(1,1),
tgm9 :: TGM a b
tgm9 = TGM.buildTypedGraphMorphism g6 g5 $ GM.buildGraphMorphism g6' g5' [(1,1),(2,2)][(1,1),(2,2),(3,1)]

-- | TypedGraphMorphism instances. Digraphs with loops

tgm10 :: TGM a b
tgm10 = TGM.buildTypedGraphMorphism g7 g7 $ GM.buildGraphMorphism g7' g7' [(1,1)] [(1,1)]

tgm11 :: TGM a b
tgm11 = TGM.buildTypedGraphMorphism g8 g7 $ GM.buildGraphMorphism g8' g7' [(1,1),(2,1)][(1,1),(2,1)]

-- | Graphs instances for tests

typegraph :: Graph (Maybe a) (Maybe b)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -155,6 +170,35 @@ g6' :: G a b
g6' = build [1,2] [(1,1,2),(2,1,2),(3,1,2)]

-- | Digraphs with loops for validity tests

-- | digraph G7 {
-- 1 [shape = circle];
-- 1 -> 1;
-- }
g7 :: GM a b
g7 = GM.buildGraphMorphism g7' typegraph [(1,1)] [(1,1)]

g7' :: G a b
g7' = build [1] [(1,1,1)]

-- | digraph G8 {
-- 1 [shape = circle];
-- 2 [shape = circle];
-- 1 -> 1;
-- 2 -> 2;
-- }
g8 :: GM a b
g8 = GM.buildGraphMorphism g8' typegraph [(1,1),(2,1)] [(1,1),(2,1)]

g8' :: G a b
g8' = build [1,2] [(1,1,1),(2,2,2)]

-- | Auxiliary functions to tests

genericTest :: TGM a b -> TGM a b -> Expectation
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion verigraph.cabal
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@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
name: verigraph
version: 1.1.0
version: 1.1.1
synopsis: Software specification and verification tool based on graph rewriting.
-- description:
license: Apache-2.0
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