Working branch to port firmware for EasyThreeD K7 rev. B with ET4000+ Board.
This branch is a fork of ET4000PLUS-K9 with some minor tweaks that make the firmware work on a K7 refreshed version. Bear in mind that this firmware is not properly tested, and rev. B may have more differences, in comparison with K7, than additional buttons. The following part of README is a continuation of ET4000PLUS-K9's file.
Some peripherals are missing and wifi board connector is used by the front panel buttons. See schmttc#10 for details
- src\pins\stm32f1\pins_MKS_ROBIN_LITE.h - Pin definitions, may need to create a new pin map file if there is a clash
- src\feature\easythreed_ui.cpp - Button behavour main code. Will likely need to set some DEFINE blocks for different UI
- src\feature\easythreed_ui.h - C header file
- Configuration.h
- Configuration_adv.h
EXP1 connector pin numbers are as in Additional-Files
all other connectors are numbered looking from the rear and bottom of the printer, left-to-right up-to-down.
EXP1 pins 2, 4, 9 and 10 are not connected to any peripherals.
Physical pin number | EXP1 pin | Role | MCU pin |
1 | 11 | GND | GND |
2 | 12 | LED+ (Connected to 3V3) | VDDA |
3 | 14 | LED- | PD2 |
4 | 13 | SW | PA10 |
Physical pin number | WIFI pin | Role | Notes |
1 | 1 (EXP1_11) | GND | Common for buttons 1 and 2 |
2 | 2 (EXP1_12) | 3V3 | Common for buttons 3 and 4 |
3 | 7 | BTN1 | Button 1 signal |
4 | 9 | BTN2 | Button 2 signal |
5 | 13 | BTN3 | Button 3 signal |
6 | 15 | BTN4 | Button 4 signal |
Connected to EXP1_1 and EXP1_3, located the back of the printer body
The feed/retract/print switch.
Pins are numbere top-to-bottom from the same POV
Physical pin number | EXP1 pin |
1 | 7 |
2 | 8 |
3 | 5 |
4 | 6 |