My 'Lugli' language interpreter for learning purposes, written in rust. This language is to be a subset for other purposes, for example, a simple language to use on math problems and logical learning, but also it is a good example of how to write a compiler.
[Executable] run <file path>
Example: Lugli.exe run foo.lg
- tokenizer / lexer
- parser
- runtime (compiler)
- Module system (simple creation of embed libs)
- Linker (for other languages)
- Optimizer / FMT
- Debugger tools
- Basic types âž¡ String, Number, Boolean, Array, Struct
- Basic operators âž¡ +, -, *, /, ==, !=, >, <, >=, <=, &&, ||, !
- Basic functions âž¡ console print, import files, get object type, input, exit...
- Conditionals statements âž¡ if, elif, else, true, false, brackets
- Loops âž¡ for, for in, while, loop, break, continue
- Fast bindings âž¡ i += 1, i -= 1, i++, i-- ...
- Not yet implemented:
- Not yet implemented:
Learning support from:
This project is under license GPL v3, for learning purposes only.