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Releases: Vizzuality/heco-invest


09 Feb 09:33
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LET-1023 Visitors can see Terms & Conditions, Privacy policy and Cookies Policy

LET-1371 FE - Add content to the T&C page
LET-1424 FE - implement translated texts (ES and PT) using Transifex
LET-1425 FE - modify text in sign up form to accept "Terms and Conditions and Privacy Policy"
LET-1426 FE - direct "Cookie policy" link in "Cookies banner" to the specific section of the T&C where cookies policy is described
LET-1430 FE - update content of the T&C page as per client changes

LET-1406 Enhance information about organizations involved in the platform

LET-1427 DE - Adjust "About page"
LET-1428 FE - implement the design changes including the new organizations
LET-1432 FE - add placeholder for the description of "Gobierno de España"


23 Jan 08:04
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LET-1415 Update "HeCo Landscapes" contextual layer on map of "search results/catalogue" page with new geometries

LET-1420 DE - update contextual layer "Heco priority landscapes"
LET-1421 FE - update contextual layer "Heco priority landscapes"

LET-1416 Project developers creating or editing their account can see the geographical location of all priority landscapes

LET-1419 DE - update map
LET-1423 FE - update map


02 Jan 09:26
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LET-1377 Platform narrative is directed to Colombia as a whole

LET-1389 FE - apply changes to FE
LET-1388 DE - adjust "For investors" page according to requirements

LET-1386 "For investors" page includes all HeCo's priority landscapes

LET-1390 DE - adjust layout and geometry images in the map
LET-1391 BE - update geometries
LET-1392 BE - enable the additional landscapes
LET-1393 FE - apply changes to FE
LET-1404 FE - update priority landscapes section

LET-1395 Users looking for instructions on how to create a project developer account (FAQ) can see all HeCo's landscapes

LET-1412 FE - update priority landscapes in FAQs

LET-1398 Update link to HeCo's landscapes information

LET-1409 FE - Update link to HeCo's landscapes information

LET-1400 Users can filter content by all HeCo landscapes (add 5 additional landscapes to the ones already implemented)

LET-1410 FE - filter content by all HeCo landscapes

LET-1402 Project developers creating or editing an account can select all HeCo landscapes (add 5 additional to the ones already implemented)

LET-1411 FE - update priority landscapes in Project developer form


12 Dec 09:00
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LET-1372 Platform admins can download a list of projects with all fields

LET-1380 [BE] Modify existing csv export and add all required fields to it

LET-1373 Platform admins are notified when a new account is created

LET-1384 [BE] Implement admin notifications when new accounts are created

LET-1375 Enhance projects with 3 additional fields

LET-1379 [BE] Add additional fields and relevant backend updates to Projects
LET-1387 [FE] Add fields to Projects form

LET-1376 Category name "Tourism and recreation" is changed to "Sustainable tourism"

LET-1383 [BE] Change "Tourism and recreation" to "Sustainable tourism" in app


29 Mar 07:17
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LET-1369 BE - Improve handling of ARIES artifacts


16 Feb 12:44
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LET-1322 Improve political/administrative landmarks in the search results map

LET-1340 FE - Make "search location" option more prominent in the search results map

LET-1321 HeCo visitors understands why HeCo Invest chooses to display tickets in US dollars

LET-1327 FE - Add text explaining way HeCo Invest chooses to display tickets in US dollars

LET-1317 BE - Integration of BC3 API to calculate project impacts

LET-1367 BE - Decide if project geometry is outside of BC3 model by counting uniq artifact ids

LET-1366 BE - Add env var for switching impact calculation to klab

LET-1365 BE - Set impact to 0 when BC3 returns 500 error

LET-1357 BE - Task which recalculates impact of existing projects based on BC3 demands (creates appropriate jobs)

LET-1356 BE - Enqueue BC3 job when geometry or impact areas of project changes and BC3 switch is ON

LET-1355 BE - Background job which calculates all impacts for project when all demands for project/municipality/etc. are obtained from BC3

LET-1354 BE - Background job which polls demands for project/municipality/etc from BC3

LET-1353 BE - Background job which sends context for project/municipality/etc to BC3

LET-1352 BE - Klab context string builder

LET-1351 BE - Switch allowing to fall back to old score calculation method and old values (for emergency response)


LET-1363 FE - Add new GA event to track the visit to the entities (projects, PDs, open calls and investors)

LET-1362 FE - HeCo Invest logo not visible on the 500 error page

LET-1361 BE - Fix production vulnerabilities

LET-1360 FE - Fix production vulnerabilities

LET-1348 FE - Big cross appears on Discover page results (bug)

LET-1347 FE - Replace Vizzuality by WWF in MIT license

LET-1346 FE - Improve map layers options visibility

LET-1315 FE - Make the map layers more prominent/appealing

LET-1308 FE - Wording change for the main button on the error pages (404 and 500)


19 Jan 08:11
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LET-1310 Access to full catalogue from the menu is clearer to visitors

LET-1359 FE - Homepage use British spelling for “catalog”


18 Jan 13:45
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LET-1323 Improve political/administrative landmarks in the map of the project creation form

LET-1339 FE - Make "search location" option more prominent in the map of the project creation form

LET-1332 DE - Make "search location" option more prominent on Project creation map

LET-1329 DE - Update Mapbox basemap

LET-1322 Improve political/administrative landmarks in the search results map

LET-1330 DE - Make "search location" option more prominent

LET-1320 Project developers creating/editing a project have clarity about location fields and location map

LET-1342 FE - Change labels of location inputs of project create/edit project form

LET-1336 DE - Update location section of project form

LET-1319 Project developers creating or editing a project can see that the time limitation relates to the activities that need investment

LET-1344 FE - Add info button to the project duration field of the create/edit project form

LET-1335 DE - Update text in the designs

LET-1318 Project developers creating or editing a project can see instructions on how to add more financial information

LET-1343 FE - Change subtitle and labels of Other Information page of project create/edit form

LET-1334 DE - Update designs to include new texts

LET-1316 Visitors know how to access the filtering they want when no search results returned

LET-1345 FE - Change text of discover - results lists when no results found

LET-1333 DE - Create page for "no results" results

LET-1315 Make the map layers more prominent/appealing

LET-1337 DE - Explore solutions to make the map layers more attractive and validate with UR & FE

LET-1312 Project developers can understand the term "project" in the context of the platform

LET-1358 FE - Update FAQ text for project

LET-1328 DE - Add explanation of project in multiple locations

LET-1325 FE - Add text explaining what “project” means in the context of the HeCo Invest

LET-1310 Access to full catalogue from the menu is clearer to visitors

LET-1338 FE - Change magnifying glass for a text on menu

LET-1326 DE - Update menu

LET-1309 Investigate issue with inconsistency between impact calculation status and calculated impact scores

LET-1305 Investigate performance issues with the Discover page

LET-1314 FE - Improve search results page performance

LET-926 Initial BC3 API testing

LET-938 BE - prototype solution for integrating the BC3 API client in HeCo


LET-1313 FE - Implement HeCo Invest logo

LET-1311 FE - Improve access to search results page from "For investors" and "For Project Developers" pages through the "cards"

LET-1307 FE - Application may crash when selecting the priority landscape impact option on the project page


21 Nov 09:15
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LET-1166 Improve search functionality in mobile version

LET-1288 FE - Filter actions not visible on mobile on Android

LET-875 Sync translations

LET-1296 BE - One source string to be updated based on Transifex

LET-1261 FE/BE - Update the source strings to match the Transifex corrections

LET-758 Infrastructure setup necessary improvements

LET-290 FE - Remove the front-end staging deployment to Vercel

LET-17 Implement responsive version

LET-1297 FE - Search bar breaks layout on homepage and Discover page

LET-1293 FE - Discover tabs should be scrolled when interacted with on mobile

LET-1292 FE - Several full screen elements broken on Chrome (Android)

LET-1291 FE - Homepage's search bar not working for keyword search

LET-1287 FE - Implement responsive design feedback


LET-1302 BE - Build error on heco-backend

LET-1300 FE - “Projects” tab not selected by default when navigating to Discover

LET-1298 FE - Discover's main navigation items not fully clickable

LET-1294 FE - Implement Google Analytics events

LET-1290 FE - Application crashing when opening URL to discover with a filter

LET-1289 FE - Unable to apply suggested filters

LET-1286 FE - Correct text on FAQs - Projects point 8

LET-1277 BE - Enable HTTP Basic Auth

LET-1276 FE - Implement access restriction to the front-end application

LET-1273 BE - Address one vulnerability security alert on GitHub

LET-1241 IF - Error reporting from the jobs instance

LET-1172 BE - Project content not getting translated

LET-590 BE - Remove "trusted" alias from project/open call serializer

LET-370 BE - Remove temporary endpoints for testing background jobs

LET-245 BE - Secure Rswag UI


16 Nov 10:12
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This release contains a hotfix for a bug that prevented users from being able to upload pictures. This especially affected processes such as the account creation.