This is a website where users can keep track of the anime they have watched or plan to watch. The website is built using the MVC architecture with MySQL as the database, PHP for server-side scripting, HTML for structuring the web pages, and CSS for styling.
Users can create an account and log in to the website Users can search for anime by title or genre Users can add anime to their watchlist or mark them as watched Users can rate anime that they have watched Users can view other users' profiles and see what anime they have watched Admins can add, edit, or delete anime from the database
Clone this repository to your local machine Import the database.sql file into your MySQL database Edit the config.php file to set up your database connection Upload the files to your web server
Open your web browser and navigate to the website Create an account or log in with an existing account Use the search bar to find anime by title or genre Click on an anime to view its details Add the anime to your watchlist or mark it as watched Rate the anime if you have watched it View other users' profiles to see what anime they have watched
KhoaVH License This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.