The Real Time Chat Application is a messaging platform that enables users to communicate with each other in real-time. It is built using Typescript, React, Express, Mongoose, and, which are all modern technologies for developing web applications.
Live: Website Chat App
- Use Express to build the backend.
- Use React to build the frontend.
- Authenticates via email and password.
- Real-time communication between a client and a server using
- Uses MongoDB, Mongoose for storing and querying data.
Make sure you have Node.js and npm installed.
Clone repository:
$ git clone $ cd chat-app-mern
Run Backend:
cd backend npm i npm run dev
Run Frontend:
cd frontend npm i npm run start
You need to create a database on MongoDB, then create a database user, get the MongoDB URI
, and assign it to dbURI
Mongoose is used to interact with a MongoDB.
There are two schemas; users and rooms.
Each user has a username, password,and picture. If the user is logged via username and password, and the if logged in via a social account, then the password will be null.
Each model wraps Mongoose Model object, overrides and provides some methods.
Having an active connection opened between the client and the server so client can send and receive data. This allows real-time communication using sockets. This is made possible by
The client starts by connecting to the server through a socket (maybe also assigned to a specific namespace) . Once connections is successful, client and server can emit and listen to events.
├── configs
| └── db.ts
├── controllers
| └── UserController.ts
│ └── MessageController.ts
├── middleware
| └── auth.ts
│ └── token.ts
├── models
| └── User.ts
| └──Message.ts
├── routes
| └── index.ts
└── server.ts
├── components
│ └── Account.tsx
│ └── Image.tsx
│ └── index.ts
├── hooks
│ └── useDebounce
│ └── index
├── layouts
│ └── auth.tsx
│ └── dashboard.tsx
│ └── index.ts
├── pages
│ └── auth
│ └── sign-in.tsx
│ └── sign-up.tsx
│ └── index.ts
│ └── dashboard
│ └── home.tsx
│ └── notification.tsx
│ └── sidebar.tsx
│ └── index.ts
├── redux
│ └── actions
│ └── sign-in.tsx
│ └── index.ts
│ └── reducers
│ └── visibility.ts
│ └── rootReducer.ts
│ └── initState.ts
│ └── store.ts
├── services
│ └── auth.ts
│ └── dashboard.ts
│ └── index.ts
├── socket.tsx
├── route.tsx
├── App.tsx
└── index.tsx