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Parameters for build Qanary artifact(s)

Dennis Schiese edited this page Mar 11, 2024 · 1 revision

Parameters for building the Qanary artifacts

The Qanary artifacts include several plugins for automated building and deployment. In case you want to build them locally, you probably don't need them or they lead to errors due to missing properties. In the following, all relevant parameters are listed with their functionality and how they can be disabled.

Plugin Functionality Skipping
dockerfile-maven-plugin Create a docker image from the created jar -Ddockerfile.skip
maven-gpg-plugin Signs the artifact with a gpg-key -Dgpg.skip
maven-javadoc-plugin Creates the Javadoc -Dmaven.javadoc.skip

Example usage

Building a artifact (or all artifacts) without applying any of the plugins would look like the following:

mvn clean install -Ddockerfile.skip -Dgpg.skip -Dmaven.javadoc.skip

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