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new subgrid functionalities from respective updates in ExtendableGrid…
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…s/ExtendableFEMBase; new Example206 demonstrates the new features; replaced certain deepcopies by new copy functions
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chmerdon committed Feb 6, 2024
1 parent d24471c commit daa8968
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Showing 18 changed files with 273 additions and 72 deletions.
6 changes: 3 additions & 3 deletions Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "ExtendableFEM"
uuid = "a722555e-65e0-4074-a036-ca7ce79a4aed"
authors = ["Christian Merdon <[email protected]>"]
version = "0.2.0"
version = "0.3.0"

CommonSolve = "38540f10-b2f7-11e9-35d8-d573e4eb0ff2"
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -30,8 +30,8 @@ ExtendableFEMDiffEQExt = "DifferentialEquations"
CommonSolve = "0.2"
DiffResults = "1"
DocStringExtensions = "0.8,0.9"
ExtendableFEMBase = "^0.2, 0.3"
ExtendableGrids = "1.0"
ExtendableFEMBase = "^0.3.1, 0.4"
ExtendableGrids = "1.3"
ExtendableSparse = "1.2"
ForwardDiff = "^0.10.35"
GridVisualize = "1.5"
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/make.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ function make_all(; with_examples::Bool = true, run_examples::Bool = true, run_n
Expand Down
113 changes: 113 additions & 0 deletions examples/Example206_CoupledSubGridProblems.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,113 @@
# 206 : CoupledSubGridProblems
([source code](@__SOURCE_URL__))
This example demonstrates how to solve a coupled problem where two
variables only live on a sub-domain and are coupled through an interface condition.
Consider the unit square domain cut in half through on of its diagonals.
On each subdomain a solutiong ``u_j`` of the two-dimensional Poisson problem
-\Delta u & = f \quad \text{in } \Omega
with inhomogeneous boundary conditions on the former boundaries of the full square is searched.
Along the common boundary between the two subdomains a new interface region is assigned (appended to BFaceNodes)
and an interface condition is assembled that couples the two solutions ``u_1`` and ``u_2``
to each other.
In this toy example, this interface conditions penalizes the jump between the two solutions on each side
of the diagonal. Oberserve, that if the penalization factor ``\tau`` is large, the two solutions are
almost equal along the interface.
The computed solution(s) looks like this:
Each column of the plot shows the solution, the subgrid it lives on. The last row shows the full grid.

module Example206_CoupledSubGridProblems

using ExtendableFEM
using ExtendableFEMBase
using ExtendableGrids
using ExtendableSparse
using GridVisualize
using UnicodePlots
using Test #

function boundary_conditions!(result, qpinfo)
result[1] = 1 - qpinfo.x[1] - qpinfo.x[2] # used for both subsolutions

function interface_condition!(result, u, qpinfo)
result[1] = -(u[2] - u[1])
result[2] = -result[1]

function main(; μ = [1.0,1.0], f = [10,-10], τ = 1, nref = 4, order = 2, Plotter = nothing, kwargs...)

## Finite element type
FEType = H1Pk{1, 2, order}

## generate mesh
xgrid = grid_unitsquare(Triangle2D)

## define regions
xgrid[CellRegions] = Int32[1,2,2,1]

## add an interface between region 1 and 2
## (one can use the BFace storages for that)
xgrid[BFaceNodes] = Int32[xgrid[BFaceNodes] [2 5; 5 4]]
append!(xgrid[BFaceRegions], [5,5])
xgrid[BFaceGeometries] = VectorOfConstants{ElementGeometries, Int}(Edge1D, 6)

## refine
xgrid = uniform_refine(xgrid, nref)

## define an FESpace just on region 1 and one just on region 2
FES1 = FESpace{FEType}(xgrid; regions = [1])
FES2 = FESpace{FEType}(xgrid; regions = [2])

## define variables
u1 = Unknown("u1"; name = "potential in region 1")
u2 = Unknown("u2"; name = "potential in region 2")

## problem description
PD = ProblemDescription()
assign_unknown!(PD, u1)
assign_unknown!(PD, u2)
assign_operator!(PD, BilinearOperator([grad(u1)]; regions = [1], factor = μ[1], kwargs...))
assign_operator!(PD, BilinearOperator([grad(u2)]; regions = [2], factor = μ[2], kwargs...))
assign_operator!(PD, LinearOperator([id(u1)]; regions = [1], factor = f[1]))
assign_operator!(PD, LinearOperator([id(u2)]; regions = [2], factor = f[2]))
assign_operator!(PD, BilinearOperator(interface_condition!, [id(u1), id(u2)]; regions = [5], factor = τ, entities = ON_FACES, kwargs...))
assign_operator!(PD, InterpolateBoundaryData(u1, boundary_conditions!; regions = 1:4))
assign_operator!(PD, InterpolateBoundaryData(u2, boundary_conditions!; regions = 1:4))

sol = solve(PD, [FES1, FES2])

plt = plot([id(u1), id(u2), dofgrid(u1), dofgrid(u2), grid(u1)], sol; Plotter = Plotter)

return sol, plt

generateplots = default_generateplots(Example206_CoupledSubGridProblems, "example206.svg") #hide

function jump_l2norm!(result, u, qpinfo)
result[1] = (u[1] - u[2])^2
function runtests() #hide
## test if jump at interface vanishes for large penalty
sol, plt = main(; τ = 1e9, nrefs = 2, order = 2) #hide
jump_integrator = ItemIntegrator(jump_l2norm!, [id(1), id(2)]; entities = ON_BFACES, regions = [5], resultdim = 1, quadorder = 4)
jump_error = sqrt(sum(evaluate(jump_integrator, sol)))
@info "||[u_1 - u_2]|| = $(jump_error)"
@test jump_error < 1e-8 #hide
end #hide
end #module
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/ExtendableFEM.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ export print_table

export Unknown
export grid
export grid, dofgrid
export id, grad, hessian, div, normalflux, Δ, apply, curl1, curl2, curl3, laplace
export id_jump, grad_jump, normalflux_jump

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28 changes: 18 additions & 10 deletions src/common_operators/bilinear_operator.jl
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Expand Up @@ -294,9 +294,11 @@ function build_assembler!(A, O::BilinearOperator{Tv}, FE_test, FE_ansatz, FE_arg
@info ".... building assembler for $(O.parameters[:name])"

## determine grid
xgrid = determine_assembly_grid(FES_test, FES_ansatz, FES_args)

## prepare assembly
AT = O.parameters[:entities]
xgrid = FES_test[1].xgrid
Ti = typeof(xgrid).parameters[2]
gridAT = ExtendableFEMBase.EffAT4AssemblyType(get_AT(FES_test[1]), AT)
itemassemblygroups = xgrid[GridComponentAssemblyGroups4AssemblyType(AT)]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -404,16 +406,16 @@ function build_assembler!(A, O::BilinearOperator{Tv}, FE_test, FE_ansatz, FE_arg
if O.parameters[:parallel_groups]
Aj = Array{typeof(A), 1}(undef, length(EGs))
for j 1:length(EGs)
Aj[j] = deepcopy(A)
Aj[j] = copy(A)

FEATs_test = [ExtendableFEMBase.EffAT4AssemblyType(get_AT(FES_test[j]), AT) for j 1:ntest]
FEATs_ansatz = [ExtendableFEMBase.EffAT4AssemblyType(get_AT(FES_ansatz[j]), AT) for j 1:nansatz]
FEATs_args = [ExtendableFEMBase.EffAT4AssemblyType(get_AT(FES_args[j]), AT) for j 1:nargs]
itemdofs_test::Array{Union{Adjacency{Ti}, SerialVariableTargetAdjacency{Ti}}, 1} = [FES_test[j][Dofmap4AssemblyType(FEATs_test[j])] for j 1:ntest]
itemdofs_ansatz::Array{Union{Adjacency{Ti}, SerialVariableTargetAdjacency{Ti}}, 1} = [FES_ansatz[j][Dofmap4AssemblyType(FEATs_ansatz[j])] for j 1:nansatz]
itemdofs_args::Array{Union{Adjacency{Ti}, SerialVariableTargetAdjacency{Ti}}, 1} = [FES_args[j][Dofmap4AssemblyType(FEATs_args[j])] for j 1:nargs]
itemdofs_test::Array{Union{Adjacency{Ti}, SerialVariableTargetAdjacency{Ti}}, 1} = [get_dofmap(FES_test[j], xgrid, FEATs_test[j]) for j = 1 : ntest]
itemdofs_ansatz::Array{Union{Adjacency{Ti}, SerialVariableTargetAdjacency{Ti}}, 1} = [get_dofmap(FES_ansatz[j], xgrid, FEATs_ansatz[j]) for j = 1 : nansatz]
itemdofs_args::Array{Union{Adjacency{Ti}, SerialVariableTargetAdjacency{Ti}}, 1} = [get_dofmap(FES_args[j], xgrid, FEATs_args[j]) for j = 1 : nargs]
factor = O.parameters[:factor]
transposed_copy = O.parameters[:transposed_copy]
entry_tol = O.parameters[:entry_tolerance]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -613,9 +615,12 @@ function build_assembler!(A, O::BilinearOperator{Tv}, FE_test, FE_ansatz; time =
@info "...... ANSATZ : $([(get_FEType(FES_ansatz[j]), O.ops_ansatz[j]) for j = 1 : nansatz])"

## determine grid
xgrid = determine_assembly_grid(FES_test, FES_ansatz)

## prepare assembly
AT = O.parameters[:entities]
xgrid = FES_test[1].xgrid
Ti = typeof(xgrid).parameters[2]
gridAT = ExtendableFEMBase.EffAT4AssemblyType(get_AT(FES_test[1]), AT)
itemassemblygroups = xgrid[GridComponentAssemblyGroups4AssemblyType(gridAT)]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -712,14 +717,14 @@ function build_assembler!(A, O::BilinearOperator{Tv}, FE_test, FE_ansatz; time =
if O.parameters[:parallel_groups]
Aj = Array{typeof(A), 1}(undef, length(EGs))
for j 1:length(EGs)
Aj[j] = deepcopy(A)
Aj[j] = copy(A)

FEATs_test = [ExtendableFEMBase.EffAT4AssemblyType(get_AT(FES_test[j]), AT) for j 1:ntest]
FEATs_ansatz = [ExtendableFEMBase.EffAT4AssemblyType(get_AT(FES_ansatz[j]), AT) for j 1:nansatz]
itemdofs_test::Array{Union{Adjacency{Ti}, SerialVariableTargetAdjacency{Ti}}, 1} = [FES_test[j][Dofmap4AssemblyType(FEATs_test[j])] for j 1:ntest]
itemdofs_ansatz::Array{Union{Adjacency{Ti}, SerialVariableTargetAdjacency{Ti}}, 1} = [FES_ansatz[j][Dofmap4AssemblyType(FEATs_ansatz[j])] for j 1:nansatz]
itemdofs_test::Array{Union{Adjacency{Ti}, SerialVariableTargetAdjacency{Ti}}, 1} = [get_dofmap(FES_test[j], xgrid, FEATs_test[j]) for j = 1 : ntest]
itemdofs_ansatz::Array{Union{Adjacency{Ti}, SerialVariableTargetAdjacency{Ti}}, 1} = [get_dofmap(FES_ansatz[j], xgrid, FEATs_ansatz[j]) for j = 1 : nansatz]
factor = O.parameters[:factor]
transposed_copy = O.parameters[:transposed_copy]
entry_tol = O.parameters[:entry_tolerance]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -757,6 +762,10 @@ function build_assembler!(A, O::BilinearOperator{Tv}, FE_test, FE_ansatz; time =
if !(visit_region[itemregions[item]]) || AT == ON_IFACES
if length(regions) > 0
QPinfos.region = itemregions[item]
QPinfos.item = item
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -820,7 +829,6 @@ function build_assembler!(A, O::BilinearOperator{Tv}, FE_test, FE_ansatz; time =
for id 1:nansatz, idt in couples_with[id]
Aloc[idt, id] .*= itemvolumes[item]
for j 1:ndofs_test[idt]

dof_j = itemdofs_test[idt][j, item] + offsets_test[idt]
for k 1:ndofs_ansatz[id]
dof_k = itemdofs_ansatz[id][k, item] + offsets_ansatz[id]
Expand Down
23 changes: 14 additions & 9 deletions src/common_operators/bilinear_operator_dg.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -237,10 +237,12 @@ function build_assembler!(A, O::BilinearOperatorDG{Tv}, FE_test, FE_ansatz, FE_a
@info ".... building assembler for $(O.parameters[:name])"

## determine grid
xgrid = determine_assembly_grid(FES_test, FES_ansatz, FES_args)

## prepare assembly
AT = O.parameters[:entities]
@assert AT <: ON_FACES "only works for entities <: ON_FACES"
xgrid = FES_test[1].xgrid
Ti = typeof(xgrid).parameters[2]
gridAT = ExtendableFEMBase.EffAT4AssemblyType(get_AT(FES_test[1]), AT)
itemassemblygroups = xgrid[GridComponentAssemblyGroups4AssemblyType(AT)]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -365,16 +367,16 @@ function build_assembler!(A, O::BilinearOperatorDG{Tv}, FE_test, FE_ansatz, FE_a
if O.parameters[:parallel_groups]
Aj = Array{typeof(A), 1}(undef, length(EGs))
for j 1:length(EGs)
Aj[j] = deepcopy(A)
Aj[j] = copy(A)

FEATs_test = [ExtendableFEMBase.EffAT4AssemblyType(get_AT(FES_test[j]), ON_CELLS) for j 1:ntest]
FEATs_ansatz = [ExtendableFEMBase.EffAT4AssemblyType(get_AT(FES_ansatz[j]), ON_CELLS) for j 1:nansatz]
FEATs_args = [ExtendableFEMBase.EffAT4AssemblyType(get_AT(FES_args[j]), ON_CELLS) for j 1:nargs]
itemdofs_test::Array{Union{Adjacency{Ti}, SerialVariableTargetAdjacency{Ti}}, 1} = [FES_test[j][Dofmap4AssemblyType(FEATs_test[j])] for j 1:ntest]
itemdofs_ansatz::Array{Union{Adjacency{Ti}, SerialVariableTargetAdjacency{Ti}}, 1} = [FES_ansatz[j][Dofmap4AssemblyType(FEATs_ansatz[j])] for j 1:nansatz]
itemdofs_args::Array{Union{Adjacency{Ti}, SerialVariableTargetAdjacency{Ti}}, 1} = [FES_args[j][Dofmap4AssemblyType(FEATs_args[j])] for j 1:nargs]
itemdofs_test::Array{Union{Adjacency{Ti}, SerialVariableTargetAdjacency{Ti}}, 1} = [get_dofmap(FES_test[j], xgrid, FEATs_test[j]) for j = 1 : ntest]
itemdofs_ansatz::Array{Union{Adjacency{Ti}, SerialVariableTargetAdjacency{Ti}}, 1} = [get_dofmap(FES_ansatz[j], xgrid, FEATs_ansatz[j]) for j = 1 : nansatz]
itemdofs_args::Array{Union{Adjacency{Ti}, SerialVariableTargetAdjacency{Ti}}, 1} = [get_dofmap(FES_args[j], xgrid, FEATs_args[j]) for j = 1 : nargs]
factor = O.parameters[:factor]
transposed_copy = O.parameters[:transposed_copy]
entry_tol = O.parameters[:entry_tolerance]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -600,10 +602,13 @@ function build_assembler!(A, O::BilinearOperatorDG{Tv}, FE_test, FE_ansatz; time
if O.parameters[:verbosity] > 0
@info ".... building assembler for $(O.parameters[:name])"

## determine grid
xgrid = determine_assembly_grid(FES_test, FES_ansatz)

## prepare assembly
AT = O.parameters[:entities]
@assert AT <: ON_FACES "only works for entities <: ON_FACES"
xgrid = FES_test[1].xgrid
Ti = typeof(xgrid).parameters[2]
gridAT = ExtendableFEMBase.EffAT4AssemblyType(get_AT(FES_test[1]), AT)
itemassemblygroups = xgrid[GridComponentAssemblyGroups4AssemblyType(gridAT)]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -714,14 +719,14 @@ function build_assembler!(A, O::BilinearOperatorDG{Tv}, FE_test, FE_ansatz; time
if O.parameters[:parallel_groups]
Aj = Array{typeof(A), 1}(undef, length(EGs))
for j 1:length(EGs)
Aj[j] = deepcopy(A)
Aj[j] = copy(A)

FEATs_test = [ExtendableFEMBase.EffAT4AssemblyType(get_AT(FES_test[j]), ON_CELLS) for j 1:ntest]
FEATs_ansatz = [ExtendableFEMBase.EffAT4AssemblyType(get_AT(FES_ansatz[j]), ON_CELLS) for j 1:nansatz]
itemdofs_test::Array{Union{Adjacency{Ti}, SerialVariableTargetAdjacency{Ti}}, 1} = [FES_test[j][Dofmap4AssemblyType(FEATs_test[j])] for j 1:ntest]
itemdofs_ansatz::Array{Union{Adjacency{Ti}, SerialVariableTargetAdjacency{Ti}}, 1} = [FES_ansatz[j][Dofmap4AssemblyType(FEATs_ansatz[j])] for j 1:nansatz]
itemdofs_test::Array{Union{Adjacency{Ti}, SerialVariableTargetAdjacency{Ti}}, 1} = [get_dofmap(FES_test[j], xgrid, FEATs_test[j]) for j = 1 : ntest]
itemdofs_ansatz::Array{Union{Adjacency{Ti}, SerialVariableTargetAdjacency{Ti}}, 1} = [get_dofmap(FES_ansatz[j], xgrid, FEATs_ansatz[j]) for j = 1 : nansatz]
factor = O.parameters[:factor]
transposed_copy = O.parameters[:transposed_copy]
entry_tol = O.parameters[:entry_tolerance]
Expand Down
6 changes: 4 additions & 2 deletions src/common_operators/discface_interpolator.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -72,9 +72,11 @@ function build_assembler!(O::FaceInterpolator{Tv}, FE_args::Array{<:FEVectorBloc
@info ".... building assembler for $(O.parameters[:name])"

## determine grid
xgrid = determine_assembly_grid(FES_args)

## prepare assembly
xgrid = FES_args[1].xgrid
Ti = typeof(xgrid).parameters[2]
itemassemblygroups = xgrid[CellAssemblyGroups]
itemgeometries = xgrid[CellGeometries]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -151,7 +153,7 @@ function build_assembler!(O::FaceInterpolator{Tv}, FE_args::Array{<:FEVectorBloc
#A = FEMatrix(FES_target, FES_target)

FEATs_args = [ExtendableFEMBase.EffAT4AssemblyType(get_AT(FES_args[j]), AT) for j 1:nargs]
itemdofs_args::Array{Union{Adjacency{Ti}, SerialVariableTargetAdjacency{Ti}}, 1} = [FES_args[j][Dofmap4AssemblyType(FEATs_args[j])] for j 1:nargs]
itemdofs_args::Array{Union{Adjacency{Ti}, SerialVariableTargetAdjacency{Ti}}, 1} = [get_dofmap(FES_args[j], xgrid, FEATs_args[j]) for j = 1 : nargs]
facedofs_target::Union{Adjacency{Ti}, SerialVariableTargetAdjacency{Ti}} = FES_target[CellDofs]

O.FES_args = FES_args
Expand Down
13 changes: 7 additions & 6 deletions src/common_operators/homogeneousdata_operator.jl
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Expand Up @@ -68,18 +68,19 @@ end
function assemble!(O::HomogeneousData{UT, AT}, FES = O.FES; offset = 0, kwargs...) where {UT,AT}
if O.FES !== FES
regions = O.parameters[:regions]
xgrid = FES.dofgrid
itemdofs = FES[ExtendableFEMBase.BFaceDofs]
itemregions = FES.xgrid[BFaceRegions]
uniquegeometries = FES.xgrid[UniqueBFaceGeometries]
itemregions = xgrid[BFaceRegions]
uniquegeometries = xgrid[UniqueBFaceGeometries]
elseif AT <: ON_CELLS
itemdofs = FES[ExtendableFEMBase.CellDofs]
itemregions = FES.xgrid[CellRegions]
uniquegeometries = FES.xgrid[UniqueCellGeometries]
itemregions = xgrid[CellRegions]
uniquegeometries = xgrid[UniqueCellGeometries]
elseif AT <: ON_FACES
itemdofs = FES[ExtendableFEMBase.FaceDofs]
itemregions = FES.xgrid[FaceRegions]
uniquegeometries = FES.xgrid[UniqueFaceGeometries]
itemregions = xgrid[FaceRegions]
uniquegeometries = xgrid[UniqueFaceGeometries]
nitems = num_sources(itemdofs)
ndofs4item = max_num_targets_per_source(itemdofs)
Expand Down
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions src/common_operators/interpolateboundarydata_operator.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,10 +79,11 @@ function assemble!(O::InterpolateBoundaryData, FES = O.FES; time = 0, offset = 0
bfaces::Array{Int,1} = O.bfaces
if O.FES !== FES
bddata = FEVector(FES)
Ti = eltype(FES.xgrid[CellNodes])
xgrid = FES.dofgrid
Ti = eltype(xgrid[CellNodes])
bfacedofs::Adjacency{Ti} = FES[BFaceDofs]
bfacefaces = FES.xgrid[BFaceFaces]
bfaceregions = FES.xgrid[BFaceRegions]
bfacefaces = xgrid[BFaceFaces]
bfaceregions = xgrid[BFaceRegions]
nbfaces = num_sources(bfacedofs)
ndofs4bface = max_num_targets_per_source(bfacedofs)
bdofs = []
Expand All @@ -107,7 +108,8 @@ function assemble!(O::InterpolateBoundaryData, FES = O.FES; time = 0, offset = 0
bfaces = O.bfaces
if FES.broken
FEType = eltype(FES)
FESc = FESpace{FEType}(FES.xgrid)
xgrid = FES.dofgrid
FESc = FESpace{FEType}(xgrid)
Targetc = FEVector(FESc)
interpolate!(Targetc[1], FESc, ON_FACES, data; items = bfaces, time = time, params = O.parameters[:params], bonus_quadorder = O.parameters[:bonus_quadorder])
bfacedofs = FES[BFaceDofs]
Expand Down

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