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Configuration and Setup Instructions

This documentation applies to and should work on any Linux distro (if you know what you're doing).

All directions were last tested on NEVER (anybody want to test these? LOL).

Ruby configuration

  1. From the command line let's install rvm and Ruby:
	$ cd ~	## To be safe, switch to your home directory.
	$ curl -L | bash -s stable
	$ source ~/.rvm/scripts/rvm
	## At this point if you're using gnome-terminal (very likely) goto Edit>Profile Preferences>Title and Command
	## and check "Run command as a login shell"; More information can be found at
	$ rvm pkg install openssl
	$ rvm install 1.9.3 --with-openssl-dir=$rvm_path/usr	## Wait a really long time to download and compile Ruby version 1.9.3
  1. Let's prepare for the rails install:
	$ rvm use 1.9.3@wsutech-website --create --default	## Sets up a new gemset for us to use for the website (for advanced users who already have rvm and Ruby run this command with the --default tag left off)
	$ vim ~/.gemrc 	## Feel free to substitute vim for your favorite text editor.
  1. Add the following lines to your .gemrc file to prevent worthless doc files (they can be found online) from taking up time and disk space.
	install: --no-rdoc --no-ri
	update: --no-rdoc --no-ri

Website configuration

  1. Move into the directory where you want the website developement to reside (Example: ~/software-dev/rails-projects/).
  2. Assuming you've already forked the repo on github run (if not, fork the repo on github!):
	$ git clone<your-github-username>/<name-you-gave-for-your-fork>.git tech-club-website
	$ cd tech-club-website/
  1. Install all the gems and dependencies:
  $ gem install bundler 
  $ bundle install ## You may run into some package problems
  1. Build the database
	$ rake db:migrate

Testing configuration

  1. Prepare the test database
	$ rake db:test:prepare
  1. Let Guard run in its own terminal window:
	$ guard
  1. That's it! Go ahead and give yerself a pat on the back!


  1. Add a list of package dependencies and how to install for common OS Ubuntu/Fedora/Mac OSX


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