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Pillars Of Creation

Pillars of Creation is a web-based idle game based on Eve Online set in a time when humanity is just leaving the Sol system and exploring the galaxy.

There's no public documentation on implementation right now, mainly because there is no game right now. 🙂 I'm using the game as a way to learn Blazor WebAssembly in my spare time.

Setup and Deployment



Project Setup


Project Versioning

Use Versionize to automatically update the project's verison.

To preview the changelog run versionize -di --skip-dirty; otherwise run the following to update the version.

  1. versionize -i
  2. git push --follow-tags origin main

Help getting all the commit messages since the last tag I created an alias in my .bashrc file. Add the following line to the file. git log $(git describe --tags --abbrev=0)..HEAD --all --pretty=format:"%s" Then on bash use git-loglasttag with a > commit_message.txt to outut the commit messages to a file.

Implementation Information


Reading the Commit History

Commit messages should use conventional commits with the descriptors listed below. For the scope please use the name of the feature.

Breaking changes must contain a line prefixed with BREAKING CHANGE: so versionize recognizes a breaking change. Breaking changes can use any commit type.

Desriptor Definition
build: changes that effect the build system or external dependencies (scopes: npm, dotnet)
chore: miscellaneous commits, (ex: modifying .gitignore, etc)
ci: changes to the CI configuration files and scripts
docs: documentation only changes
feat: a new feature (these bump the MINOR version number)
fix: a bug fix (these bump the PATCH version number)
perf: a code change that improves performance
refactor: a code change that neither fixes a bug nor adds a feature, instead it improves the flow of the code
style: changes that do not effect the meaning of the code (ex: whitespace, formatting, etc.)
test: adding missing tests or correcting existing test

Feature List

Feature Definition
Character Anything dealing with the player's active character
Data Anything dealing with the game data
General Anything that doesn't fit into the other categories
Logging Anything dealing with logging in the game
Player Anything dealing with the player's account and all their characters
Timer Anything dealing with the timer service
Save Anything dealing with the data service for loading/saving of the game


Trash Can icon by Icons8


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Using Blazor Wasm to create a browser game.






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