-> Lightweight note taking app. A full-stack MERN app with TypeScript and TailwindCSS.
-> Implementation of my MERN Template.
- JavaScript
- TypeScript
- React
- Redux
- React-Router
- TailwindCSS
- Vite
- Vitest
- Node
- React Testing Library
- ESLint
- React-Helmet
- jsonwebtoken
- Create 'server/config.env' with 'config.sample-env' structure.
- Create 'client/.env' with '.sample-env' structure.
- Alternatively, configure secrets in your deployment.
- Update manifest.json
- Update appInfo.json
- Update sitemap.xml
- Update robots.txt
- Remove responsive.ts unless mobile subdomain is configured ('m.')
# install all packages
npm run install-all
# [NOT RECOMMENDED] install and update all packages (uses npm-check-updates)
npm run install-update
# spin up a local server on port 5050
npm run start:server
# start the client
npm run start:client
# run all tests (uses Vitest and React Testing Library)
npm test
# format all directories (uses ESLint, Prettier, and eslint-plugin-prettier)
npm run format
npm run format:fix # apply changes (uses 'eslint --fix' and 'prettier --write')