Provides REST APIs and a backend service for the Wikidocumentaries UI for the following purposes:
Fetch data from both Wikipedia and Wikidata when given an id from either.
Search for images from various sources with one request.
Find related data from Wikidata and other wikibases using SPARQL queries.
Set a custom User-Agent header as required by Mediawiki APIs.
Work around Wikidata Query Service (WDQS) not providing an Access-Control-Allow-Origin header.
Also see the section Provided endpoints below.
You can run this service as a container with
docker run -p 3000:3000 -e WIKIDOCUMENTARIES_API_USER_AGENT -e BING_MAPS_KEY -e FLICKR_KEY wikidocumentaries/wikidocumentaries-api
You can build a new version of the container image with
docker build -t wikidocumentaries/wikidocumentaries-api .
npm install
npm run dev
npm start
Some API keys should be set as environment variables:
BING_MAPS_KEY (optional)
FLICKR_KEY (optional)
The main API endpoints:
- Parameters (provide either wikidata or topic):
- language: language code
- wikidata: id of the Wikidata item
- topic: title of the Wikipedia article
- Response:
- wikidata
- id
- title
- description
- aliases
- instance_of
- statements
- geo
- dates
- sitelinks
- wikipedia
- type
- title
- displaytitle
- namespace
- wikibase_item
- titles
- pageid
- thumbnail
- originalimage
- lang
- dir
- revision
- tid
- timestamp
- description
- description_source
- coordinates
- content_urls
- extract
- extract_html
- wikipediaExcerptHTML
- wikipediaRemainingHTML
- wikidata
- Parameters (provide either wikidata or topic):
- Parameters:
- language: language code
- topic: search string
- commons_category: if provided, return everything from this category in Wikimedia Commons; without the prefix "Category:"
- lat, lon: coordinates to search around
- maxradius: radius around the coordinates
- Response:
- a list of images:
- source
- id
- title
- imageURL
- thumbURL
- infoURL
- license
- license_link
- inventoryNumber
- geoLocations
- location
- measurements
- materials
- formats
- year
- publisher
- creators
- institutions
- actors
- details
- subjects
- places
- collection
- imageRights
- description
- inscriptions
- datecreated
- uploader
- collection
- language
- a list of images:
- Parameters:
- Parameters (following the standard for SPARQL queries):
- query
- format
- Response depending on format
- Parameters (following the standard for SPARQL queries):