BlckBusterDB is an app that allows users to browse movies from the The Movie Database API.
- Latest Now Playing Movies
- Superheroes Movie collection
- Watch the trailer of the Movies
- Overview of the movies
- Collection View Cell did not layout as I had wanted
- Tap Gesture was not responding to the tap
- variable were not being updated even after receiving value from API
- Had to learn some Math to layout the Collection View Cell
- Interaction checkbox was not checked in ImageView which was why Tap Gesture was not responding
- Variable was not updating because of the delay in getting data from the API, so had to use DispatchQueue.main.async to update the views in the main thread
- The app gets list of latest movies from the Movie Database API.
- The app list movies with their title, images and synopsis.
- The app supports both portrait and landscape mode.
- I had problems with constraining two lables and one Imageview inside table view cell
- I used auto layout to make them adaptive, they were adaptive but not how I wanted them to be.
- The table view cell acted according to the largest content in the cell.
- If the imageview was bigger then it set the height in reference to imageview
- if the synopsis bigger was, then it set the height in reference to synopsis which made the view look super weird and there would be no consistency.
- The imageview had a fixed height. So, it was okay as it is alwasy fixed. But the synopis label sizes dynamically and if it had more content then table view cell would be larger
- I could have given a fixed number of lines but it would not look nice in landscape, since landscape has more free space
- I changed the number of lines to 5 programatically in MovieCell class to make it have no more than 5 lines in portrait mode
- When the phone is in landscape mode then I rechange the number of lines to 0.