1.6.7+113 (18/12/2022)
- Updated general italian translations - @Wolfteam
- Updated README.md - @Wolfteam
- [Application] Data in bloc were not being reloaded after changing the app lang - @Wolfteam
- Bump to the 1.6.7+113 - @Wolfteam
- [Infrastructure] Handle versioned resources - @Wolfteam
- [Application] Map missing lang - @Wolfteam
- [Application] Updated the daily check in url - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Use the full screen dialog on the daily check-in and wish simulator pages - @Wolfteam
- Bump to the 1.6.6+112 - @Wolfteam
- Added turkish lang. - @Wolfteam
- [Tests] Test fixes - @Wolfteam
- Added missing unofficial label to the new ukrainian lang - @Wolfteam