1.8.2+166 (04/03/2024)
- [Tests] Yet another test fix - @Wolfteam
- [Test] Test fixes - @Wolfteam
- Bump to the 1.8.2+166 - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Make the char. build details button a little bit smaller - @Wolfteam
- [Infrastructure] Minor bug fix in the getCharBirthDate method - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Minor sizing improvements - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Added a button to launch the daily check in page in the browser - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Updated few sizes in the calculator asc. material page - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Use our custom DetailListTile. - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Added a custom detail_list_tile.dart - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Added a radius to the row_column_item_or.dart - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Make the seeAllButton a little bit smaller - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Updated the stats dialog to show a table - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Added a little bit of margin to the material list with slider - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Make the square img size a little bit smaller - @Wolfteam
- [Infrastructure] Added a missing sort - @Wolfteam
- Update intl_ja.arb - @Blank-1973
- [Windows] Updated CMakeLists.txt - @Wolfteam
- Bump to the 1.8.1+163 - @Wolfteam
- Updated to latest fvm - @Wolfteam
- Bump to the 1.8.0+163 - @Wolfteam
- Updated translations - @Wolfteam
- Bump to the 1.8.0+162 - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Use a line through instead of a check icon in the calc. asc. materials - @Wolfteam
- Test fixes - @Wolfteam
- Updated translations - @Wolfteam
- [Application] Added 2 mew ways to sort the banner_history_count_bloc.dart - @Wolfteam
- [Infrastructure] Remove old game codes - @Wolfteam
- Updated few packages - @Wolfteam
- [IntegrationTests] Test fixes - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Avoid unnecessary scroll controller dispose - @Wolfteam
- [iOS] Bump min os version - @Wolfteam
- [Infrastructure] Ask for notification permission on init - @Wolfteam
- Bump to flutter 3.16.9 - @Wolfteam
- [Android] Added missing notif permission - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Minor bug fixes - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Lets just tap once to scroll to top - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Minor warning fixes - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Allow double tap on main page tab items to scroll to top - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Updated some packages - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Minor improvements - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Added missing param - @Wolfteam
- [Tests] Test fixes - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Removed not used items. - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Added initial detail_horizontal_list.dart - @Wolfteam
- [Application] Reorganized the widgets in the character_page.dart - @Wolfteam
- [Application] Reorganized the widgets in the artifact_page.dart - @Wolfteam
- [Application] Use item common with name in the today char items - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Minor rename - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Reorganized the widgets related to material_page.dart - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Reorganized the widgets related to weapon_page.dart - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Added another ctor to the common detail_tab_landscape_layout.dart - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Added initial item_common_with_name_dialog.dart - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Minor improvements - @Wolfteam
- [Infrastructure] Do some sorting in the item_common.dart - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Added detail_stats.dart - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Added square_item_image_with_name.dart - @Wolfteam
- Removed waterfall_flow dependency - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Minor ui changes - @Wolfteam
- [Application] Used ItemCommon with name as much as possible - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Updated the weapons_page.dart to use a SliverGrid - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Updated the monsters_page.dart to use a SliverGrid - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Updated the materials_page.dart to use a SliverGrid - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Updated the inventory's tabs to use a SliverGrid - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Updated the custom_builds_page.dart to use a SliverGrid - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Updated the artifacts_page.dart to use a SliverGrid - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Updated the calculator_ascension_materials_page.dart to use a SliverGrid - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Updated the characters_page.dart to use a SliverGrid - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Updated the charts_page.dart to use the new sections - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Updated the game_codes_page.dart to use the new sections - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Use a SliverGrid in the elements page - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Use a SliverGrid in the sliver_character_ascension_materials.dart and sliver_weapon_ascension_materials.dart - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Reworked the material_page.dart - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Do not show tabs if there's only one child in the detail_tab_landscape_layout.dart - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Reworked the artifact_page.dart - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Removed the stats from the artifact_card.dart - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Reworked the weapon_page.dart - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Use a datatable in the detail asc. materials - @Wolfteam
- [Application] Updated weapon_bloc.dart to return a simple item common (crafting and asc. materials) - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Moved some logic out of the char detail page - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Removed margin from the cake.webp - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Make the char card a little bit bigger - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Initial rework of the character detail page - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Added new detail_section.dart - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Update few shared widgets x2 - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Update few shared widgets - @Wolfteam
- [Application] Return character's material name - @Wolfteam
- [Domain] Map the new element icons - @Wolfteam
- [Domain] Added util method to remove line breaks at the end of string - @Wolfteam
- Added few element assets - @Wolfteam
- Updated intl_zh_CN.arb - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Add custom shadow to the each card item - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Removed scrollbars of the fixed_left_column.dart - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Improvements to the banner_history_count_page.dart - @Wolfteam
- [Presentation] Improvements to the home page - @Wolfteam