Wollito Payment Gateway
To install the payment gateway we can use composer.
composer require wollito/wollito:dev-main
After package installation, you need to include the autoload file in
your project.
require_once "vendor/autoload.php";
Ensure your composer.json includes the following;
"autoload": {
"psr-4": {
"WollitoPackage\\": "vendor/wollito/wollito"
To get start you must instantiate the class, you pass the API Key, API Secret & Currency
Currency options include; GBP, USD, EUR \
$wollito = new \WollitoPackage\Wollito("YOUR KEY HERE", "YOUR SECRET KEY HERE", "STATEMENT DESCRIPTOR", "your SITE URL", "CURRENCY (GBP)");
Once you have instantiated the class, you can call function using the
The process payment functions, takes the parameters below and can be called like so: Always include the payment=true parameter.
$data = $wollito->create_charge_link("AMOUNT", "ORDER ID", "Return URL (yoururl.com/returnpage.php?payment=true");
The call will return a url or false value
Sometimes payments are returned as pending and therefore will need updating via a webhook.
Webhook calls are posted to webhook.php, to the originating site URL which made the charge request.
Webhooks can be authenticated with the following call, just pass the
data variable
Examples can be found Here