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Releases: WorldWideTelescope/wwt_kernel_data_relay

wwt_kernel_data_relay 0.3.0

18 Aug 21:56
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wwt_kernel_data_relay 0.3.0 (2023-08-18)

  • Add support for JupyterLab 4 / Notebook v7 (#5, @pkgw). Support for older
    versions should remain unchanged. This is basically just a matter of trying to
    pull in some dependencies from newer locations before falling back to older
  • Some branding / contact info updates for the sponsorship migration (#5,

wwt_kernel_data_relay 0.2.0

25 Oct 01:31
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wwt_kernel_data_relay 0.2.0 (2021-10-25)

  • Require and use message sequencing numbers in kernel replies (#2, @pkgw).
    These weren't necessary in my initial testing, but in the BinderHub I have
    issues with out-of-order and duplicated messages that make it look like we'll
    have to use these.

wwt_kernel_data_relay 0.1.1

23 Oct 17:39
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wwt_kernel_data_relay 0.1.1 (2021-10-23)

  • Add the drop-in configuration files needed to automatically activate the
    server extension upon package installation (#1, @pkgw).

wwt_kernel_data_relay 0.1.0

14 Oct 16:12
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wwt_kernel_data_relay 0.1.0 (2021-10-14)

Initial release of the WWT Kernel Data Relay package.