中文页 | English
The mb85rs16
software package is a software package developed by XiaojieFan for the SPI FRAM MB85RS16. Using this software package, you can use the device on RT-Thread very conveniently .
This article mainly introduces the use of the package, API, and MSH
test commands.
│ README.md // package description
│ src\mb85rs16.c // source file
│ inc\mcp23008.h // header file
│ sample\mb85rs16_sample.c // Sample code for software package
│ SConscript // RT-Thread default build script
│ LICENSE // License file
mb85rs16 complies with the Apache-2.0 license, see the LICENSE
file for details.
- RT_Thread 3.0+
- i2c device driver
To use mb85rs16 package
, you need to select it in the package management of RT-Thread. The specific path is as follows:
RT-Thread online packages
peripheral libraries and drivers --->
mb85rs16: 16K(2K x 8)Bit SPI FRAM Driver --->
Enter the configuration menu of the mcp23008 software package for specific configuration according to your needs
--- mb85rs16: 16K(2K x 8)Bit SPI FRAM Driver
[*] Enable mb85rs16 sample
Version (latest) --->
Enable mb85rs16 sample: Enable mb85rs16 sample
After the configuration is complete, let the RT-Thread package manager automatically update, or use the pkgs --update command to update the package to the BSP.
The use process of mb85rs16 software package is generally as follows:
- Initialize mb85rs16 device
- Perform RW operations
- Wriet Use API
` - Read Use API
- Wriet Use API
For detailed usage, please refer to mb85rs16 sample program.
If the sample program of the mb85rs16 software package is enabled, the command fram_cmd
will be exported to the console.
msh >fram_cmd id
04 7f 01 01
- Maintenance: XiaojieFan
- Homepage: https://github.com/XiaojieFan/mb85rs16