Copyright (C) 2023 YYGroup [email protected]
The vortex-surface field (VSF) provides a systematic Lagrangian-based framework for the identification, characterization, and modeling of flow structures. As a general flow diagnostic tool, the numerical VSF solution can be constructed in arbitrary flow fields by solving a pseudo-transport equation driven by the frozen, instantaneous vorticity. From post-processing of large-scale database of numerical simulations, the VSF elucidates mechanisms in the flows with essential vortex dynamics, such as turbulence and transition.
vsfFOAM is a free, open-source computational fluid dynamics package released by YYGroup for VSF calculations. It provides a post-processing tool vsfPseudoEvo to obtain the VSF via solving the pseudo-transport equation based on velocity field. Three solvers, vsfIcoFoam, vsfPimpleFoam, and vsfRhoPimpleFoam are included to calculate the VSF evolution with the two-time method for incompressible and compressible flows.
vsfFOAM is built on OpenFOAM. The current version has been validated on OpenFOAM v10.
- Load the OpenFOAM environment
- Download the package, put at $FOAM_INST_DIR
- Execute the script Allwmake to compile the program
To obtain the VSF evolution, simply setup the case as OpenFOAM simulations. Additional files for VSF calculations include the initial field and a dictionary file <system/vsfDict>.
Check out the example in <vsfFOAM/tutorials/>. The script <> describes how to run the program.
vsfFOAM is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. See the file =COPYING= in this directory or [[]], for a description of the GNU General Public License terms under which you can copy the files.