This repository contains the configuration file for the i3 window manager (~/.config/i3/config
) along with additional setup instructions.
- $mod Key: Mod4 (Windows key)
- Autostart Programs:
- Set wallpaper with
- Lock screen with
- Network Manager applet (
) - Compositor (
) - app display(
- Set wallpaper with
- Window Movement and Management:
- Open terminal: $mod+Return
- Close window: $mod+Shift+q
- Rofi Commands:
- Wi-Fi selection: $mod+Shift+w
- Power management: $mod+Shift+p
- Window Movement:
- Move focus left, down, up, right: $mod+j, $mod+k, $mod+l, $mod+semicolon
- Move window left, down, up, right: $mod+Shift+j, $mod+Shift+k, $mod+Shift+l, $mod+Shift+semicolon
- Workspaces:
- Switch to workspace: $mod+1 to $mod+6
- Move window to workspace: $mod+Shift+1 to $mod+Shift+6
- Applications:
- Set specific workspaces for certain applications (e.g., code editor, web browser, Spotify)
- Restart and Exit:
- Reload configuration: $mod+Shift+c
- Restart i3: $mod+Shift+r
- Exit i3: Hold $mod+e
- Splitting and Layout:
- Split horizontally: $mod+h
- Split vertically: $mod+v
- Toggle fullscreen: $mod+f
- Stack layout: $mod+s
- Tabbed layout: $mod+w
- Toggle split layout: $mod+e
- Toggle floating: $mod+Shift+space
- Outer and Inner Gaps: Set gaps between windows and the screen edges
- Fullscreen Screenshot: Press Print key
- Selected Area Screenshot: $mod+Shift+s
- Resize Mode: Press $mod+r to enter resize mode, then use arrow keys to resize windows
- Customized colors for active, inactive, focused, and urgent workspaces
- Custom border styles for Firefox windows
- This configuration is optimized for personal use but can be customized further based on individual preferences and workflow.