Full Stack Web-Development Tutorial,
This web-site was built and designed while following an online WebDev course online.
- The course is by GoCode Sderot - in Hebrew (and despite that face, the web-site was built in english, I really cannot say why....
- The course filmed on the desktop of the instructor, with his voice , including conversations during the class.
- The course was published in Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCIld0affiSkmp-KkEit3S_w
- The Instructor is Elad Cohen
- The course is teaching:
- Object Oriented Programming
- JavaScript
- Node.JS
- Express.JS
- .......
- AFAIK - the actual course started around January 2019 and has not ended yet (april 2019)
Some notes about the course and the web-site:
- The web-site was first created as acomment book.
- Since the web-site is developed for usage along with an IDE, the layout of the web-site is intentionally very narrow!!!!
- Since the web-site was developed step by step with the ongoing course,the design and sophistication of the web-site is advancing with the knowledge granted in the course
- Every once in a while, I go through previously created pages and re-design, enhance them according to better methods I've learnt.
- The design / Structure of the web-site may change dramatically, according to the progress of the course
Some about me:
- Former Israely, Living in Moscow
- History as SysAdmin and System Infrastruture Manager
- working as "Old-School" developer in the last 4 years with:
- C
- C++
- Swift / Objective C
- Some Java
- Some PHP
- Some Python
- Specializes in creating Algorithms for Serializarion and randomization of data.
- Bluetooth / and serial data communication
Where this thing is going? I really have no Idea...... Guy