- bash_profile
- bashrc
- gitignore_global
- The gitignore file tells git which files to ignore (class files, etc)
- gitignore_global applies to every git folder that does not have a gitignore.
git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore_global
- ideavimrc
- killwindow.sh
- tmux.conf
- Tmux is a window pane manager
- This configures said manager
- Default key remapped to ctrl-a; couples with Karabiner to make caps key default prefix.
- vimrc
- The vimrc file defines behaviors and customizations for vi and vim
- Plugins:
- Vundle - Vim Plugin Manager
- vim-fugitive - Git Wrapper
- YouCompleteMe - Code Completion
- syntastic - syntax checker
- auto-pairs - Bracket/Parens/etc auto format and auto matcher
- nerdcommenter - Easy Commenting
- xvimrc
- This is XVim, XCode's vim plugin's customization file
- input.ini
Category | Application |
OS | OSX/Kali/Ubuntu |
Terminal | Iterm2 |
Editor | Vi/Vim/emacs + evil |
Shell | Bash/Zsh |
Window Mgt | tmux, BetterSnapTool |
Browser | qutebrowser |
Notes | org-mode |
Other | fzf, autojump, tldr |