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This repo holds solved coder problems which I did out of curiosity, at the process of interview preparation, or even during the interview. Each algorithm has at least Java implementation and additionally can have Haskell or Kotlin.
Exists a vast amount of methods to group algorithms. My way is based on InterviewBit and Hackerrank
Some tasks have additional README which shows alternative solving methodologies, interesting things about the task or applied usage of it.
DSA is mostly recalled just before (or even at the time) an interview. If you have to prepare ASAP, I would suggest solving a few problems from each section on InterviewBit or hackerrank. This will warm you up, or give a fast overview of available methods of problems solving. When you're done with that, you can continue there or switch to leetcode, e-olymp etc.
- Java/javac - openJDK 11.0.1
- ghci (haskell runtime) - ghci version 8.2.2
- Kotlin/kotlinc - Kotlin version 1.3.21
build: javac *.java
run: java filename
build: kotlinc *.kt -include-runtime -d output_file.jar
run: java -jar output_file.jar
build: ghc -o output_file input_file.hs
run: ./output_file
The scripts folder, from the root dir, contains:
- build and run for all Java files.
- build and run for all Kotlin files.
- build and run for all Haskell files.
- clean the output directory.
Each script can have a single parameter which acts as a filter: bubble
- build and run all Java files, which have
bubble in a path or a file name.