preact components for material-components-web
These components bring material components in an a-la-carté fashion.
You can use n
number of components without taking the weight of any extra code of the components you do not use.
is a thin opinion-less wrapper over material-components-web. Use these for painless integration of these components into your project, without taking the bloat.
Smaller bundles FTW!!!
👍 button
👍 card
👍 chips
👍 checkbox
👍 dialog
👍 drawer
👍 elevation
👍 fab
👍 form-field
👍 icon-toggle
👍 layout-grid
👍 line-ripple
👍 linear-progress
👍 list
👍 menu
👍 radio
👍 select
👍 slider
👍 snackbar
👍 switch
👍 tabs
👍 textfield
👍 theme
👍 toolbar
If you are using less-loader you have to set strictMath: true option in your webpack config
loader: 'less-loader',
options: { strictMath: true }
To use theming props like primary/secondary, you'll need to include Theme's css
import 'preact-material-components/Theme/style.css
P.S.: Let us know if you're using preact-material-components
we would love to hear your experiences.